1500+ Ratings
4.3 x (1,500+) • Comfort Food • Caribbean • Cajun • Alcohol • Info
8708 S Cicero Ave, Oak Lawn, IL 60453
1500+ Ratings
"Good this is my favorite seafood restaurant hands down IT’S BETTER THAN TWO FUSH……"
"First time having a seafood boil from here and will be ordering again."
12:00 PM – 9:25 PM
•1500+ Ratings •
44 Reviews
Loved every bit of it ….
always well put together and fresh
Good job you guys! Happy holidays 🫶🏾
There food is always fresh and delicious 😋
it's my favorite boil place
Good this is my favorite seafood restaurant hands down IT’S BETTER THAN TWO FUSH……
I enjoy the flavors and the food is always fresh
Delicious 😋
The food is always fresh and the flavor is delicious 🤤
love it
Sauce is out of this WORLD!!!!! A must double back!!!
Was great everything was spot on
The gator bites and fried oysters are always delicious
So good!
Delicious and so fresh with Priority 🔥🔥🔥
Super satisfying
the best every time
Shid it was tooo good
Delicious 😋
Always good. Never had a problem with anything we have ordered.
Always Bussing
always fresh and delicious
very fresh and tasty
Super meaty crab clusters!!
Well packed and the food was 10 /10
Always hot fresh and good
Completely Professional. Love YA ❤️💯💯
Best I ever had
10 out of 10
First time having a seafood boil from here and will be ordering again.
Supper good fríes. Nice and crispy and would deffinetly buy again
Food always fresh and flavorful.
Delicious & fresh
They product is always fresh and taste so GOOD. LOVE IT
Always hits the spot!
Always good
Great garlic butter sauce
Favorite seafood boil restaurant
The food was season to perfection
amazing and delicious
Food was amazing!!!
Amazing flavors, prefect amount my seafood bag was so good!!
Yes. Crab King Cajun Boil and Bar delivery is available on Uber Eats in Oak Lawn.
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