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Bonjour Brooklyn Bakery

Bonjour Brooklyn Bakery

4.9 xStar (800+)Breakfast and BrunchDessertsFrenchInfo

Min Order value for this store is $15

1154 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11221

Bonjour Brooklyn Bakery, located in the Bushwick neighborhood of Brooklyn, specializes in breakfast and brunch offerings. This bakery is popular for its French-inspired pastries, particularly the Croissant au c... More
Bonjour Brooklyn Bakery, located in the Bushwick neighborhood of Brooklyn, specializes in breakfast and brunch offerings. This bakery is popular for its French-inspired pastries, particularly the Croissant au chocolat and Croissant au jambon fromage, which are also frequently ordered together. Guests can enjoy a range of hot drinks like Cappuccino and House Blend Coffee, or select from various pastries including Tarte à la fraise and Croissant Aux Amandes. The establishment boasts a customer rating of 4.2, making it a well-regarded choice in the area. Less
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9:00 AM - 5:00 PM


8:00 AM - 1:30 PM

Tuesday - Friday

7:30 AM - 6:30 PM


8:00 AM - 6:30 PM


Fri 7:30 AM – 6:30 PM
