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Bloom Haus by Baker's
• florist • Flowers • Gift Store • Indoor Plants & Gifts • Info
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8:30 AM - 5:00 PM
8:30 AM - 6:00 PM
Seasonal Stems & Gifts Collection
- Masonette Arrangement$20.00Petite in size but packing a punch, Masonettes are the perfect premade arrangement for any occasion, from birthdays to teacher appreciation. Featuring bright, seasonally inspired flowers, the Masonette is a miniature arrangement that is sure to make anyone smile!
Available in a variety of seasonal blooms with colorful vases.
Colors of flowers and vase may vary. - Bloom Haus™ Garden Bouquet - A$70.00The epitome of floral elegance, the Bloom Haus™ Garden Bouquet showcases 38 exquisite stems of vibrant blooms, lush fillers, and rich foliage, creating a whimsical celebration of wildflowers. Perfectly crafted for the most memorable occasions, this bouquet is designed to make any event truly extraordinary.
Colors and varieties may vary due to availability. - Merry Christmas Standard Balloon$6.00Have a Beary Merry Christmas! This is a 17 inch round shape standard balloon with a green background, stockings and ornaments, white dots and snowflakes, and a Merry Christmas message in white and colorful colored block lettering. Balloon is 2-sided, same design and message on both sides. Helium-filled
- Merry Christmas Oversized Shape Balloon$25.00Have a Beary Merry Christmas! This is a 32 inch stocking shape oversized balloon, red stocking with a bear, candy cane and presents sticking out of the top, and there is no specific message written on the balloon. Balloon is 2-sided, same design on both sides. Helium-filled
- Merry Christmas Orbz Balloon$12.00Have a Beary Merry Christmas! This is a 16 inch round orbz balloon with a green background, stockings and ornaments, white dots and snowflakes, and a Merry Christmas message in white and colorful colored block lettering. Balloon is 2-sided, alternating design and message on each side. Helium-filled
- Happy New Year Balloon Bouquet$35.00Happy New Year! This balloon bouquet features a 36 oversized star shape balloon with a Happy New Year, 2-17 coordinating square shape Happy New Year message standard balloons, and 2-18 coordinating star shape solid color standard balloons. The Happy New Year message balloons have same design and message on both sides. Helium-filled
- Happy New Year Standard Balloon$6.00Ring in the New Year! This is a 17 inch round shape standard balloon with a satin gold background, black and gold stars all over, open champagne bottle with bubbles, and a Happy New Year message in black script lettering. Balloon is 2-sided, same design and message on both sides. Helium-filled
- Happy New Year Oversized Shape Balloon$25.00Ring in the New Year! This is a 29 inch star shape oversized balloon with a satin gold background, black and gold stars all over, champagne bubbles, two attached stars on either side, and a Happy New Year message in black script lettering. Balloon is 2-sided, same design and message on both sides. Helium-filled
- Holiday Striped Jar with Candy$29.00Glass Mason Jar holiday gift, with Airheads, gourmet Hebert chocolate bars, and holiday pick – perfect house warming gift for the holiday! All components are subject to substitutions.
- Christmas Candy Pail$24.00'Tis the season! This premade gift contains a tin pail with a movable handle and is filled with peppermint candies wrapped in a cellophane bag. The pail designs are either white snowflakes on red or green Christmas trees on white. Attached to the tin pail is a Holiday 9 air-filled balloon, decorative ribbon curls, and a gift card for personalization. All components are subject to substitutions.
- 6 inch Poinsettia$19.00The Fresh Live Poinsettia Plant is a popular holiday plant in a beautiful red color. The container is 6 inch in diameter and color of pots may vary. This traditional plant is a native of Mexico, and thrives in a temperate environment. A classic red poinsettia is a lovely addition to any holiday and perfect for entertaining decor and hostess gifts.
Vanderpump Blooms
Artfully fashioned and crafted to captivate by Lisa Vanderpump- Vanderpump Villa Blanca Bouquet$50.00A neutral expression of luxury and sophistication, the Villa Blanca bouquet is elegant yet playful. Classic white spray chrysanthemums, oversized mums, garden greens and ivory roses, are brought to life with Lisa's distinctive and rare cream sunflowers. An incredible gift for any occasion, this bold twist on a classic white bouquet is one of Lisa's favorites.
- Vanderpump Crimson Romance Bouquet$50.00Crimson, bold and dripping with elegance, red is more than Lisa’s power color, it’s her passion. Burgundy chrysanthemums, heirloom raspberry carnations, and the richness of red roses captivate the senses in a romantic bouquet that brings life to any table.
- Vanderpump Villa Blanca Arrangement$60.00This bold and playful take on a classic white bouquet meticulously arranges pristine white roses with delicate chrysanthemums, and other garden fillers for an elegant arrangement. The showstoppers are Lisa's signature novelty cream sunflowers, making sure that this stunning masterpiece is sure to leave a lasting impression.
- Vanderpump Crimson Romance Arrangement$60.00Passionate red roses and gerbera daisies pair beautifully with a plush assortment of other blooms curated by Lisa to create a stunning red arrangement. Here, subtle pops of pink and burgundy from stock, pompons, and other garden accents offer a bright and delicate contrast. Elegantly bundled in a custom Vanderpump French Urn, this bold display is a must-have for evening soirées or gifting.
Anniversary Arrangements & Bouquets
- Dozen Red Rose Arrangement$50.00Show someone just how special they are in a big way with our impressive Deluxe Dozen Red Rose Arrangement. An abundant medley of 12 gorgeous red roses paired with garden filler and lush foliage, all artfully arranged in a decorative glass vase, this is a gift that is sure to make a statement. Red roses are a classic expression of love, longing or desire, but can also convey respect, admiration or devotion.
Colors and varieties may vary due to availability. - Bloom Haus™ Lush Bouquet - B$45.00Mixed bouquet featuring 21 stems in gorgeous tones of light purple complemented by pops of green, pink, and blue. Blooms consist of an assortment of seasonal poms, carnations, mini carnations, alstroemeria, roses and hydrangea accented by garden filler.
Colors and varieties may vary due to availability. - Bloom Haus™ Euro Bouquet - A$55.00A classic Christmas palette of traditional red, white and green florals embellish 28 stems of assorted poms, carnations, alstroemeria, gerbera daisies, hydrangea and a lily; accented with hypericum berries and verdant foliage.
Colors and varieties may vary due to availability. - Bloom Haus™ 18 Plus Rose Bouquet - Red$55.00Delivering even more than is expected, the Bloom Haus™ 18 Plus Bouquet is taller and grander than any of our traditional rose offerings. Featuring 18 premium quality roses combined with coordinating feature flowers and foliage, it’s simply spectacular. Featuring 18 long-stemmed roses with an assortment of premium foliage, red roses are a classic expression of love, longing or desire, but can also convey respect, admiration or devotion.
Colors and varieties may vary due to availability. - Bloom Haus™ 18 Plus Rose Bouquet - White$55.00Delivering even more than is expected, the Bloom Haus™ 18 Plus Bouquet is taller and grander than any of our traditional rose offerings. Featuring 18 premium quality roses combined with coordinating feature flowers and foliage, it’s simply spectacular. Featuring 18 long-stemmed roses with an assortment of premium foliage, white roses represent innocence, purity, loyalty, youthfulness and new beginnings. For this reason, they’re often found in wedding bouquets.
Colors and varieties may vary due to availability.
Birthday Blooms & Gifts
Just Because
Just For Fun
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Yes. Bloom Haus by Baker's delivery is available on Uber Eats in Omaha.
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How do I order Bloom Haus by Baker's delivery online in Omaha?
There are 2 ways to place an order on Uber Eats: on the app or online using the Uber Eats website. After you’ve looked over the Bloom Haus by Baker's menu, simply choose the items you’d like to order and add them to your cart. Next, you’ll be able to review, place, and track your order.
Where can I find Bloom Haus by Baker's online menu prices?
View upfront pricing information for the various items offered by Bloom Haus by Baker's here on this page.
How do I get free delivery on my Bloom Haus by Baker's order?
To save money on the delivery, consider getting an Uber One membership, if available in your area, as one of its perks is a $0 Delivery Fee on select orders.
How do I pay for my Bloom Haus by Baker's order?
Payment is handled via your Uber Eats account.
What’s the best thing to order for Bloom Haus by Baker's delivery in Omaha?
If you’re in need of some suggestions for your Bloom Haus by Baker's order, check out the items showcased in “Picked for you” on this page.
Where can I find more Bloom Haus locations nearby?
Visit our page that lists all of the Bloom Haus stores in Omaha.