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Advil Targeted Relief Cream

2.3 oz


Advil Targeted Relief Cream is formulated with four active ingredients to provide deep penetrating relief for arthritis, joint pain, back and body aches, sprains, strains, and sore muscles. It begins to work upon contact and is designed to offer up to eight hours of relief. The cream is manufactured in Canada and does not contain the same active ingredient as original Advil tablets.

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Ingredients: Active Ingredients: Camphor (3.1 %), Topical Analgesic; Capsaicin (0.025 %), Topical Analgesic; Menthol (10 %), Topical Analgesic; Methyl Salicylate (15 %), Topical Analgesic. Inactive Ingredients: Carbomer Homopolymer, Cetyl Alcohol, Cetyl Esters Wax, Emulsifying Wax, Oleth-3 Phosphate, Purified Water, Sodium Hydroxide, Stearic Acid

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Chosen with care

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Order with confidence

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Life doesn’t happen on a schedule, we’re making it possible to place orders from grocery stores on Uber Eats whether or not they’re open—with delivery in the first available window or scheduled at your convenience.

We’ve invested in technology to give users peace of mind—introducing improved support for shoppers in-store and live order tracking for consumers to follow the shopping experience every step of the way. Now as each item is scanned and added to your cart for checkout, your order is paid and on its way… you’ll know.

You know what you want, and how you want it. Now, so do we. If for any reason an item is low in stock, we’re making product replacements effortless, and we’ve made shopping more intuitive—including items sold by weight.

With grocery items now available from Uber in 33 countries—the shopping experience on Uber Eats is about to get better than ever. By investing in strong grocery partnerships and building features that consumers, merchants and shoppers are looking for, we’re bringing the whole world one step closer to truly getting anything delivered to their doorsteps.