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Oubliez les aérosols puissants et envahissants. Febreze ZÉRO% est une brume désodorisante pour l’air et les textiles formulée à base d’eau, sans gaz propulseur, rechargeable et approuvé par les médecins allergologues de l’ARCAA (Association de Recherche Clinique en Allergologie et Asthmologie). Elle élimine avec délicatesse les odeurs dans n’importe quelle pièce de votre maison et laisse un parfum frais et léger. Son vaporisateur est réutilisable, il diffuse une brume très fine & sans parfums forts - pour une fraîcheur en toute confiance. Zéro% existe en trois senteurs irrésistibles et délicates : inspirées des feuilles de bambou fraîches, des douces fleurs d’orchidées ou des mandarines fraîchement épluchées. Vous pouvez recharger vos flacons facilement en un clic, pour profiter à chaque fois d’une nouvelle fragrance, tout en réduisant le coût et le gaspillage. Febreze Zéro% : Découvrez la nouvelle génération de désodorisants ! Procter & Gamble France SAS, 163 Quai Aulagnier

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Why Uber Eats?
Fast, convenient delivery

Get groceries delivered when you need them.

Chosen with care

Experienced shoppers select just what you’re looking for.

Order with confidence

Review replacements for out-of-stock items in real time.

Life doesn’t happen on a schedule, we’re making it possible to place orders from grocery stores on Uber Eats whether or not they’re open—with delivery in the first available window or scheduled at your convenience.

We’ve invested in technology to give users peace of mind—introducing improved support for shoppers in-store and live order tracking for consumers to follow the shopping experience every step of the way. Now as each item is scanned and added to your cart for checkout, your order is paid and on its way… you’ll know.

You know what you want, and how you want it. Now, so do we. If for any reason an item is low in stock, we’re making product replacements effortless, and we’ve made shopping more intuitive—including items sold by weight.

With grocery items now available from Uber in 33 countries—the shopping experience on Uber Eats is about to get better than ever. By investing in strong grocery partnerships and building features that consumers, merchants and shoppers are looking for, we’re bringing the whole world one step closer to truly getting anything delivered to their doorsteps.

Frequently asked questions

  • Uber Eats is available in hundreds of cities around the world. Enter your delivery address to shop for Febreze Aerosol zéro orchidée brume d'air et textile delivery near you.

  • To discover the stores near you that offer Febreze Aerosol zéro orchidée brume d'air et textile on Uber Eats, start by entering your delivery address. Next, you can browse your options and find a place from which to order Febreze Aerosol zéro orchidée brume d'air et textile online.

  • Your Febreze Aerosol zéro orchidée brume d'air et textile delivery options may vary depending on where you are in a city. Enter your address to browse Febreze Aerosol zéro orchidée brume d'air et textile delivery options near you.

  • In some cities you can opt to place a pickup order. See step-by-step directions here on how to place a non-delivery order.

  • View a store’s business hours to see if it will be open late or around the time you’d like to order Febreze Aerosol zéro orchidée brume d'air et textile.