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Sandwiches & Toasts & Waffles
- SandwichMX$135.00 • 98% (54)Sandwich con pan de tu elección, proteína de tu elección, mix de lechuga, jitomate, aguacate, pepino, zanahoria y aderezos.
- Waffles de ProteínaMX$145.00 • 87% (8)Waffles de proteina con topping de fruta (fresa, platano, blue berry, manzana verde o pera), miel maple y granola.
- Toast de AguacateMX$110.00 • 100% (8)Pan de masa madre, aguacate, hummus, arugula y aderezos.
- Bowl AsiáticoMX$170.00 • 94% (34)base de quinoa al vapor, y
arroz de coliflor, pollo o pavo teryaki,
zanahoria, mix de col, mix de lechuga y
espinaca baby, aguacate y mango picado,
pepino, cilantro calabacitas, y aderezo de
thai, incluye infusion del día. - Bowl OMEMX$170.00 • 91% (23)base de quinoa, y arroz de
coliflor con verduras, proteina a eleccion,
(salmon, fajas de pollo o pavo a la
plancha) garbanzos al horno, hummus,
brocoli, camote, aguacate, elotitos, mix de
espinaca baby con lechuga, aderezo,
incluye infusion del dia.
- Smoothie Crema de CacahuateMX$99.00 • 100% (15)Crema de cacahuate, plátano, vainilla, hielo y leche de tu elección
- Smoothie VerdeMX$126.00 • 100% (7)Apio, nopal, piña, espinaca, base de tu elección, miel de abeja y hielo
- Smoothie Mamey CocoMX$99.00 • 100% (21)Mamey, coco rayado, crema de coco, leche de coco y hielo
- Smoothie Acai Maracuya y HierbabuenaMX$99.00 • 100% (5)Acai, pulpa de maracuyá, hierbabuena, leche de almendras o jugo de naranja
- Smoothie Piña Manzana Crema de Almendras JengibreMX$99.00 • 100% (3)Piña, manzana, jengibre, crema de almendras, miel de abeja, leche de almendras y hielo
- Smoothie MatchaMX$99.00 • 100% (3)Leche de almendras, leche de coco, platano, matcha, miel de abeja y hielo
- Smoothie Acai Avena PlatanoMX$99.00 • 75% (4)Acai, platano, avena, miel de abeja y hielo
- Smoothie Verde TropicalMX$126.00Mango, apio, espinaca, plátano, base de tu elección, miel de abeja y hielo
- Smoothie Mango MaracuyaMX$99.00 • 100% (5)Mango, maracuyá, leche de coco, miel de agave y hielo
- Smoothie Platano Cacao y VainillaMX$99.00 • 90% (11)Plátano, leche de tu elección, cacao en polvo, vainilla, miel de abeja y hielo
- Smoothie Banana Berries Yoghurt GriegoMX$99.00 • 100% (5)Plátano, berries, yoghurt griego, leche de tu elección, miel de abeja y hielo
Can I order Öme Healthy Bar (Anzures) delivery in Mexico City with Uber Eats?
Yes. Öme Healthy Bar (Anzures) delivery is available on Uber Eats in Mexico City.
Is Öme Healthy Bar (Anzures) delivery available near me?
Enter your address to see if Öme Healthy Bar (Anzures) delivery is available to your location in Mexico City.
How do I order Öme Healthy Bar (Anzures) delivery online in Mexico City?
There are 2 ways to place an order on Uber Eats: on the app or online using the Uber Eats website. After you’ve looked over the Öme Healthy Bar (Anzures) menu, simply choose the items you’d like to order and add them to your cart. Next, you’ll be able to review, place, and track your order.
Where can I find Öme Healthy Bar (Anzures) online menu prices?
View upfront pricing information for the various items offered by Öme Healthy Bar (Anzures) here on this page.
How do I get free delivery on my Öme Healthy Bar (Anzures) order?
To save money on the delivery, consider getting an Uber One membership, if available in your area, as one of its perks is a $0 Delivery Fee on select orders.
How do I pay for my Öme Healthy Bar (Anzures) order?
Payment is handled via your Uber Eats account.
What’s the best thing to order for Öme Healthy Bar (Anzures) delivery in Mexico City?
If you’re in need of some suggestions for your Öme Healthy Bar (Anzures) order, check out the items showcased in “Picked for you” on this page.