やきとり家すみれ 元住吉
神奈川県川崎市中原区木月2-8-1, ビジネスホテルすがた, Kanagawa, 211-0025
Uber Eats で営業時間外日曜日
11:30 - 22:00
月曜日 - 金曜日
16:00 - 22:00
11:30 - 22:00
【Uber Eats限定メニュー】 Uber Eats-Limited
- 【半額】史上最高の唐揚げ(もも・むね)MIX(2個入り) Mixed Fried Chicken (Thigh&Breast)2pieces画像は4個です
1本から楽しめるブランド鶏【大山どり】の焼き鳥 Yakitori of brand chicken [Daisendori] that you can enjoy from one
- 希少部位 ひなトロ串 Rare part Hina Toro skewer
- 王道 ねぎま串 Royal road Negima skewer
- 大玉 ふんわりつくね串 Odama fluffy meatball skewer
- やげんなんこつ Yagen Nankotsu
- 脂ののった ぼんじり串 Fatty chicken skewers
- 通好み せせり串 Favorite skewers
- かわ串 Kawa skewers
豊富なお惣菜 Abundant side dishes
- やみつきカリカリ皮串1本 One addictive crunchy skin skewer
- 手造り玉子焼き Handmade omelet
- よだれ鶏 Mouthwater chicken
- 枝豆 Green soybeans
- フライドポテト French fries
- 梅水晶 Plum crystal
- 大山どりのお惣菜3種盛り Assortment of 3 kinds of Daisendori side dishes
- チキン南蛮4個 Chicken Nanban (4 Pieces)黒酢とタルタルの相性が食欲をそそります。 The wonderful combination of black vinegar and tartar sauce is sure to stir your appetite.
- 希少 ひなトロ串(2本) Taken from between the breast and the wing, shoulder meat is juicy but with very fat.ふりそでとも呼ばれる胸と手羽の間にある希少部位
- 大山どりのお惣菜2種盛り Assortment of 2 kinds of Daisendori side dishes
焼き鳥の盛り合わせ 単品よりお得に Assorted yakitori, more profitable than a single item
- つくね3兄弟 Tsukune 3 brothers
- おまかせ3本盛り Recommend 3 Skewer Assortment人気の串が3本入ったおつまみにもおかずにも。 This recommended set of 3 popular skewers makes for a great snack or side dish.
大満足のお弁当♪ Very satisfied lunch
ホームパーティ&ご家族の夕食に! Home party hors d'oeuvre & Family dinner
揚げたて!史上最高の大山どりから揚げ Freshly fried!This is the best fried chicken ever. からあげ 唐揚げ カラアゲ チキン Karaage
美味しい白ごはん Delicious white rice
美味しくお野菜を Delicious vegetables
Can I order やきとり家すみれ 元住吉 delivery on Uber Eats?
やきとり家すみれ 元住吉 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to やきとり家すみれ 元住吉 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 川崎市.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 川崎市 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.