Uber Eats ホーム
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東京都目黒区自由が丘1-13-7, Tokyo, 152

Uber Eats で営業時間外
2022年3月8日 をもって Uber Eats での営業を終了しました。
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16:00 - 1:00

メニュー Menu

4:00 PM – 1:00 AM

  • ★NEW★最強の新メニュートリオ

    • スタミナがっつりJ系チャーハン【並】※茶色いやつは背脂タレ!スープじゃないよ!
      粗くみじん切りにしたニンニクが大フィーバー(追いニンニクOK)! ビジュアルも野菜が山盛りとあって、一瞬●郎系ラーメンが頭をよぎりますが、これチャーハンですw さらにこのチャーハン専用「MAX印の濃い目コク甘背脂タレ」付き! となると、超強烈な味なのかとビビッてません? 大丈夫、不思議とそんなにくどく感じないんですよ♪ 秘密はサッと炒めたキャベツやモヤシのさっぱり感・甘味ですかね。ま、僕ぐらいになるともはや爽快感さえ覚えます! つまり、ヘルシー&ギルティーな夢の絶品! ひと口喰らえばレンゲを持つ手がノンストップです(腱鞘炎は覚悟してね)!
      MAX鈴木の店ですから、もちろん2倍増し・3倍増しもご用意! 背脂タレを含むすべての食材が爆盛りっす! しかも、お得♪
    • 【2倍お得盛】スタミナがっつりJ系チャーハン ※茶色いやつは背脂タレ!スープじゃないよ!
      粗くみじん切りにしたニンニクが大フィーバー(追いニンニクOK)! ビジュアルも野菜が山盛りとあって、一瞬●郎系ラーメンが頭をよぎりますが、これチャーハンですw さらにこのチャーハン専用「MAX印の濃い目コク甘背脂タレ」付き! となると、超強烈な味なのかとビビッてません? 大丈夫、不思議とそんなにくどく感じないんですよ♪ 秘密はサッと炒めたキャベツやモヤシのさっぱり感・甘味ですかね。ま、僕ぐらいになるともはや爽快感さえ覚えます! つまり、ヘルシー&ギルティーな夢の絶品! ひと口喰らえばレンゲを持つ手がノンストップです(腱鞘炎は覚悟してね)!
      MAX鈴木の店ですから、もちろん3倍増しもご用意! 背脂タレを含むすべての食材が爆盛りっす! しかも、お得♪
    • 【3倍デカ盛1.5㎏超】スタミナがっつりJ系チャーハン ※茶色いやつは背脂タレ!スープじゃないよ!
      粗くみじん切りにしたニンニクが大フィーバー(追いニンニクOK)! ビジュアルも野菜が山盛りとあって、一瞬●郎系ラーメンが頭をよぎりますが、これチャーハンですw さらにこのチャーハン専用「MAX印の濃い目コク甘背脂タレ」付き! となると、超強烈な味なのかとビビッてません? 大丈夫、不思議とそんなにくどく感じないんですよ♪ 秘密はサッと炒めたキャベツやモヤシのさっぱり感・甘味ですかね。ま、僕ぐらいになるともはや爽快感さえ覚えます! つまり、ヘルシー&ギルティーな夢の絶品! ひと口喰らえばレンゲを持つ手がノンストップです(腱鞘炎は覚悟してね)!
  • 【激オシ】MAX鈴木が夢にまで見た背脂そば MAX Suzuki Dream Oil Soba

    • 最強!MAX背脂そば【並】※背脂タレ付きだよ MAX Fatty Ribs Soba [Regular] with Sauce
      背脂を愛してやまないこのMAX鈴木が、ガチで何度も試食を重ねて完成させた自信作!最大のこだわりはコクに溢れた超絶まろやかな背脂タレの“甘み”です。濃口醤油ベースでめっちゃ際立ちまくり! その名も「MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ」! とにかくこの最強タレが、魅惑の炭水化物であるモチモチ&プリンプリン太麺にまみれるんです、ヤバイっす、ギルティっす…いわゆる罪悪感? 誰もあらがえない最強レベルの旨さ! 今すぐカートにぶちこみましょう! ★スープもご一緒に!(その名も「鬼旨!背脂スープ」)★内容:背脂そば専用!MAX印の濃い目コク甘背脂タレ(100g) /太麺(200g)/チャーシュー/長ネギ/万能ネギ/キャベツ/モヤシ/フライドガーリック(これヤバイっす)/ガリ ★本品に含まれるアレルギー物質:小麦・卵・乳 【閲覧注意】MAX鈴木の店ですから、もちろん2倍増し・3倍増しもご用意! 背脂タレを含むすべての食材が爆盛りっす! しかも、お得♪ A prized oil soba created by MAX Suzuki - a true oil soba connoisseur - through a grueling process of tasting & tasting!! The fatty ribs sauce's "sweetness" is its greatest trait. The rich soy sauce base makes it totally stand out! The name is "MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce"! This ultimate sauce blends together with our tender & fluffy thick noodles, to create the greatest guilty pleasure you've ever tasted! Add it to the cart, what are you waiting for!? *Enjoy the soup too! (Fatty ribs soup) *Contents: Fatty ribs soba exclusive MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce (100g)/thick noodles (200g)/roasted pork filet/green onions/baby green onions/cabbage/bean sprouts/fried garlic/vinegared ginger *Allergenic ingredients: wheat, eggs, milk [Warning] This is a MAX Suzuki store, so naturally we offer double & triple size too! Huge portions of fatty ribs sauce and all other ingredients too!! At very good value to boot♪
    • 【2倍お得盛】最強!MAX背脂そば ※茶色いやつは背脂タレ!スープじゃないよ!麺は冷盛(お好みで温めて)
      ★100円お得な2倍だお★ 背脂を愛してやまないこのMAX鈴木が、ガチで何度も試食を重ねて完成させた自信作!
      最大のこだわりはコクに溢れた超絶まろやかな背脂タレの“甘み”です。濃口醤油ベースでめっちゃ際立ちまくり! その名も「MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ」! とにかくこの最強タレが、魅惑の炭水化物であるモチモチ&プリンプリン太麺にまみれるんです、ヤバイっす、ギルティっす…いわゆる罪悪感? 誰もあらがえない最強レベルの旨さ! 今すぐカートにぶちこみましょう!
      ★内容:背脂そば専用!MAX印の濃い目コク甘背脂タレ(240g) /太麺(400g)/チャーシュー/長ネギ/万能ネギ/キャベツ/モヤシ/フライドガーリック(これヤバイっす)/ガリ
      MAX鈴木の店ですから、もちろん3倍増しもご用意! 背脂タレを含むすべての食材が爆盛りっす! しかも、お得♪
      Double size for good deal! A prized oil soba created by MAX Suzuki - a true oil soba connoisseur - through a grueling process of tasting & tasting!! The fatty ribs sauce's "sweetness" is its greatest trait. The rich soy sauce base makes it totally stand out! The name is "MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce"! This ultimate sauce blends together with our tender & fluffy thick noodles, to create the greatest guilty pleasure you've ever tasted! Add it to the cart, what are you waiting for!? *Enjoy the soup too! (Fatty ribs soup) *Contents: Fatty ribs soba exclusive MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce (240g)/thick noodles (400g)/roasted pork filet/green onions/baby green onions/cabbage/bean sprouts/fried garlic/vinegared ginger *Allergenic ingredients: wheat, eggs, milk [Warning] This is a MAX Suzuki store, so naturally we offer triple size too! Huge portions of fatty ribs sauce and all other ingredients too!! At very good value to boot♪
    • 【3倍デカ盛1㎏超】最強!MAX背脂そば※背脂タレ付きだよ [Over 1kg] MAX Fatty Ribs Soba with Sauce
      自慢の「MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ」がもはや湖状態! 魅惑の炭水化物、モチモチ&プリンプリン太麺はチョモランマ級! 野菜もチャーシューも、名脇役のガリもすべて並の3倍鬼増し! 実際は写真以上のボリューム感です! 並3つより安いし、何人かで食べるならこっちが断然オススメ♪ 僕は1人でちょうどイイ量だけどww もちろん味も最強! 決め手は『MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ』。濃口醤油ベースで際立つ超絶まろやかな甘みは、一度味わえばもう二度と後戻りできません! ★スープもご一緒に!(その名も「鬼旨!背脂スープ」)★内容:背脂そば専用!MAX印の濃い目コク甘背脂タレ(300g)/太麺(600g)/チャーシュー/長ネギ/万能ネギ/キャベツ/モヤシ/フライドガーリック(これヤバイっす)/ガリ ★本品に含まれるアレルギー物質:小麦・卵・乳 A waterfall of MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce! Tender & plump thick noodles to reach Everest heights! Triple size of vegetables, roasted pork filet and vinegared ginger too! Even bigger than the photo! Better value than 3 regular portions, recommended to eat in groups! (It's barely enough for me tho - lol) The taste is amazing too! The secret weapon is the MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce, of course! Smooth soy sauce-based sweetness, simply irresistible! *Enjoy the soup too! (Fatty ribs soup) *Contents: Fatty ribs soba exclusive MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce (300g)/thick noodles (600g)/roasted pork filet/green onions/baby green onions/cabbage/bean sprouts/fried garlic/vinegared ginger *Allergenic ingredients: wheat, eggs, milk
  • 背脂マストな【肉】ソース焼きそば [Meat] Sauce Yakisoba

    • 背脂ソース焼きそば【並】※背脂タレ付きだよ Fatty Ribs Yakisoba [Regular] with Sauce
      無性に喰らいたくなる屋台風の濃厚ソース焼きそば! 自慢の「MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ」が、魅惑の淡水化物であるモチモチ&プリンプリン太麺とむちゃくちゃジャンクな融合を果たしMAX!罪悪感ハンパないですww ★スープもご一緒に!(その名も「鬼旨!背脂スープ」)★内容:MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ(50g)/太麺(200g)/チャーシュー/キャベツ/玉ネギ/ニンジン/モヤシ/ニラ/青のり/ガリ ★本品に含まれるアレルギー物質:小麦・卵・乳 【閲覧注意】MAX鈴木の店ですから、もちろん2倍増し・3倍増しもご用意! 背脂タレを含むすべての食材が爆盛りっす! しかも、お得♪ Rich street food-style yakisoba! Sometimes you just have to eat it, right!? Our prized MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce blends with the tender & plump thick noodles for a stronger junky feeling! *Enjoy the soup too! (Fatty ribs soup) *Contents: MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce (50g)/thick noodles (200g)/pork ribs/cabbage/onions/carrots/bean sprouts/garlic chives/green laver/vinegared ginger *Allergenic ingredients: wheat, eggs, milk [Warning] This is a MAX Suzuki store, so naturally we offer double & triple size too! Huge portions of fatty ribs sauce and all other ingredients too!! At very good value to boot♪
    • 【3倍デカ盛1㎏超】背脂ソース焼きそば※背脂タレ付きだよ [Over 1kg] Fatty Ribs Yakisoba [Regular] with Sauce
      あぁ、屋台で鬼盛りのソース焼きそばを喰えたら…という夢を現実のものとしました! ハイ! 全食材3倍増しでございます! モチモチ&プリンプリン太麺が、自慢の「MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ」にまみれた最強ジャンクな激旨絶品(ゆえに野菜がうれしーね)! 並3つより安いし、何人かで食べるならこっちが絶対オススメ(僕なら1人で堪能します)♪★スープもご一緒に!(その名も「鬼旨!背脂スープ」)★内容:MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ(150g)/太麺(600g)/豚バラ肉/キャベツ/玉ネギ/ニンジン/モヤシ/ニラ/青のり/ガリ ★本品に含まれるアレルギー物質:小麦・卵・乳 "If only I could eat a huge portion of sauce yakisoba at a street stall..." If this is you...your dreams are now true! Triple portions of all ingredients! Tender & plump thick noodles and our prized MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce in a super junky, super delicious combo (packed with vegetables too) Better value than 3 regular portions, ideal to eat in groups (I prefer relishing it on my own, though) *Enjoy the soup too! (Fatty ribs soup) *Contents: MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce (150g)/thick noodles (600g)/pork ribs/cabbage/onions/carrots/bean sprouts/garlic chives/green laver/vinegared ginger *Allergenic ingredients: wheat, eggs, milk
    • 肉増し!背脂ソース焼きそば【並】※背脂タレ付きだよ [Extra Meat] Fatty Ribs Yakisoba [Regular] with Sauce
      な、なんと! 肉がノーマルの「背脂ソース焼きそば」の3倍以上! 香ばしく焼き上がった柔らかジューシーな豚バラ肉の旨味が「MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ」と濃密にからみあう最強コラボ! そこにモチモチ&プリンプリン太麺が参戦するんですから、これは背徳感満載ねww★スープもご一緒に!(その名も「鬼旨!背脂スープ」)★内容:MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ(50g)/太麺(200g)/豚バラ肉/キャベツ/玉ネギ/ニンジン/モヤシ/ニラ/青のり/ガリ ★本品に含まれるアレルギー物質:小麦・卵・乳 【閲覧注意】MAX鈴木の店ですから、もちろん2倍増し・3倍増しもご用意! 背脂タレを含むすべての食材が爆盛りっす! しかも、お得♪ W-wow!! Triple meat of the normal fatty ribs sauce yakisoba! Aromatic, juicy & tender pork ribs with MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce together in an ultimate combo! The tender & plump noodles join in to create a super guilty pleasure! *Enjoy the soup too! (Fatty ribs soup) *Contents: MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce (50g)/thick noodles (200g)/pork ribs/cabbage/onions/carrots/bean sprouts/garlic chives/green laver/vinegared ginger *Allergenic ingredients: wheat, eggs, milk [Warning] This is a MAX Suzuki store, so naturally we offer double & triple size too! Huge portions of fatty ribs sauce and all other ingredients too!! At very good value to boot♪
    • 【3倍デカ盛1㎏超】肉増し!背脂ソース焼きそば※背脂タレ付きだよ [Over 1kg] [Extra Meat] Fatty Ribs Yakisoba with Sauce
      簡単に申し上げますと、実際にお手元に届いたら確実にSNSにアップしたくなる驚愕のビジュアルです。ハイ、全食材が並の3倍増し!香ばしく焼き上がった柔らかジューシーな豚バラ肉が鬼盛り! そこに「MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ」が濃密にからみ合い、モチモチ&プリンプリン太麺(またの名を魅惑の炭水化物)がガッツリ受け止めてくれます! これ以上のギルティ(罪悪感?)があっていいんでしょーか!? しかも並3つより安いし、 超絶オススメ!★スープもご一緒に!(その名も「鬼旨!背脂スープ」)★内容:MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ(150g)/太麺(600g)/豚バラ肉/キャベツ/玉ネギ/ニンジン/モヤシ/ニラ/青のり/ガリ ★本品に含まれるアレルギー物質:小麦・卵・乳 Once it's delivered, you'll feel uncontrollably compelled to snap a picture and upload it to the web...we just know it! Triple size of all ingredients! Aromatic, juicy & tender pork ribs with MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce together in an ultimate combo, something only our tender & plump thick noodles could ever withstand! What pleasure could be guiltier than this!? Better value than 3 regular portions, super recommended!! *Enjoy the soup too! (Fatty ribs soup) *Contents: MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce (150g)/thick noodles (600g)/pork ribs/cabbage/onions/carrots/bean sprouts/garlic chives/green laver/vinegared ginger *Allergenic ingredients: wheat, eggs, milk
    • 野菜増し!背脂ソース焼きそば【並】※背脂タレ付きだよ [Extra Vegetables] Fatty Ribs Yakisoba [Regular] with Sauce
      キャベツにモヤシ、ニンジン、タマネギなど野菜軍団の総量がノーマル「背脂ソース焼きそば」の2倍増し!自慢の「MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ」がモチモチ&プリンプリン太麺にまみれた背徳感溢れるソース焼きそばですが、これだけ野菜軍団が頑張ってくれると健やかな毎日が送れそうです(あくまで個人の感想)。いえ、マジで野菜の食感がしっかり感じられて、食べていて楽しくなるんです。いろんな意味で嬉しい野菜増し、オススメですよ♪★スープもご一緒に!(その名も「鬼旨!背脂スープ」)★内容:MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ(50g)/太麺(200g)/豚バラ肉/キャベツ/玉ネギ/ニンジン/モヤシ/ニラ/青のり/ガリ ★本品に含まれるアレルギー物質:小麦・卵・乳 【閲覧注意】MAX鈴木の店ですから、もちろん2倍増し・3倍増しもご用意! 背脂タレを含むすべての食材が爆盛りっす! しかも、お得♪ Cabbage, bean sprouts, carrots, onions and more vegetables, with double the size of the normal fatty ribs sauce yakisoba! MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce, tender & plump thick noodles and an army of vegetables, ready to pack your day with health! (*personal opinion) Seriously speaking, this dish offers plenty of vegetables and is just fun to eat. Highly recommended vegetable feast! *Enjoy the soup too! (Fatty ribs soup) *Contents: MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce (50g)/thick noodles (200g)/pork ribs/cabbage/onions/carrots/bean sprouts/garlic chives/green laver/vinegared ginger *Allergenic ingredients: wheat, eggs, milk [Warning] This is a MAX Suzuki store, so naturally we offer double & triple size too! Huge portions of fatty ribs sauce and all other ingredients too!! At very good value to boot♪
    • 【3倍デカ盛1.5㎏超】野菜増し!背脂ソース焼きそば※背脂タレ付きだよ [Over 1.5kg] [Extra Vegetables] Fatty Ribs Yakisoba with Sauce
      野菜だけでほぼ1㎏! 毎日を健康的に美しく過ごしたい方にもオススメ!って、写真を見るとまったく説得力ないかもですが…自慢の「MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ」とモチモチ&プリンプリン太麺の罪悪感コラボの中で、これだけ野菜が鬼盛になると最高のアクセントを発揮! 食感もしっかり活きて、食べていて楽しくなります♪ 並3つより安いし、みんなで味わってみてください!★スープもご一緒に!(その名も「鬼旨!背脂スープ」)★内容:MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ(150g)/太麺(600g)/豚バラ肉/キャベツ/玉ネギ/ニンジン/モヤシ/ニラ/青のり/ガリ ★本品に含まれるアレルギー物質:小麦・卵・乳 1kg ov vegetables only!! Recommended for the health & delicious food conscious! Maybe the photo isn't convincing...but our prized MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce, tender & plump thick noodles and mountain of vegetables will change your mind directly! Lots of flavor, texture and fun! Better value than 3 regular portions, best to enjoy in groups! *Enjoy the soup too! (Fatty ribs soup) *Contents: MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce (150g)/thick noodles (600g)/pork ribs/cabbage/onions/carrots/bean sprouts/garlic chives/green laver/vinegared ginger *Allergenic ingredients: wheat, eggs, milk
    • 肉&野菜増し!背脂ソース焼きそば【並】※背脂タレ付きだよ [Extra Meat & Vegetables] Fatty Ribs Yakisoba [Regular] with Sauce
      イチオシの「肉&野菜増し」シリーズ! こんがり焼きあがった柔らかジューシーな豚バラ肉! 食感がしっかり楽しめる野菜軍団! 両者を受けとめるのはモチモチ&プリンプリン太麺!すべてが「MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ」にまみれて超ハイレベルな旨さに進化します! コレで決まり! といいたいところですが、次に控えるメニューもチェックしてみてください。フッ… ★スープもご一緒に!(その名も「鬼旨!背脂スープ」)★内容:MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ(50g)/太麺(200g)/豚バラ肉/キャベツ/玉ネギ/ニンジン/モヤシ/ニラ/青のり/ガリ ★本品に含まれるアレルギー物質:小麦・卵・乳 【閲覧注意】MAX鈴木の店ですから、もちろん2倍増し・3倍増しもご用意! 背脂タレを含むすべての食材が爆盛りっす! しかも、お得♪ #1 recommended [extra meat & vegetables] series! Tender & juicy grilled pork ribs, an army of vegetables with great texture, and our tender & plump thick noodles! The MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce elevates them to greater heights! Simply put, the best choice! But do check out the rest of our menu too! *Enjoy the soup too! (Fatty ribs soup) *Contents: MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce (50g)/thick noodles (200g)/pork ribs/cabbage/onions/carrots/bean sprouts/garlic chives/green laver/vinegared ginger *Allergenic ingredients: wheat, eggs, milk [Warning] This is a MAX Suzuki store, so naturally we offer double & triple size too! Huge portions of fatty ribs sauce and all other ingredients too!! At very good value to boot♪
    • 【3倍デカ盛1.8㎏超】肉&野菜増し!背脂ソース焼きそば※背脂タレ付きだよ [Over 1.8kg] [Extra Meat & Vegetables] Fatty Ribs Yakisoba with Sauce
      うぉおおおおおお! なんだこの罪悪感たっぷりの、胃袋を誘惑してやまないバイオレンスかつビューティフルなビジュアルは! 僕はもう我慢できません! いただきまぁあああす!あ、失礼しました、ついテンション上がっちゃったですww なんたって肉300g! 野菜軍団900g! ここに「MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ」が至福のコラボを織りなすんです!しかもモチモチ&プリンプリン太麺も600gの大軍で攻め込んできます! もう決まりです!ソース焼きそばなら、コレしかない! さらに付け加えるなら、並3つより安い! 僕なら1人で幸せをかみしめながら味わいますが、皆さんはみんなで仲良く喰らってくださいね~♪★スープもご一緒に!(その名も「鬼旨!背脂スープ」)★内容:MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ(150g)/太麺(600g)/豚バラ肉/キャベツ/玉ネギ/ニンジン/モヤシ/ニラ/青のり/ガリ ★本品に含まれるアレルギー物質:小麦・卵・乳 An explosion of guilty pleasure!! Irresistible stomach temptation! Time to dig in!!! My apologies, I got a little too excited there (lol) The reason why? 300g of meat!! 900g of vegetables!! And the MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce to top it all off!! On 600g of tender & plump thick noodles!! This is THE sauce yakisoba we've been all looking for! And it's even more convenient than 3 regular portions! I would respectfully enjoy it by myself, but I advise you to eat it in groups! *Enjoy the soup too! (Fatty ribs soup) *Contents: MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce (150g)/thick noodles (600g)/pork ribs/cabbage/onions/carrots/bean sprouts/garlic chives/green laver/vinegared ginger *Allergenic ingredients: wheat, eggs, milk
  • 背脂マストな【海鮮】塩焼きそば [Seafood] Salt Yakisoba

    • 背脂塩焼きそば【並】※背脂タレ付きだよ Fatty Ribs & Salt Yakisoba [Regular] with Sauce
      自慢の「MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ」との相性なら、ぶっちゃけソース焼きそばより、この塩焼きそばのほうがイイかも…という噂もある逸品!海老・ホタテ・イカの“海の宝石箱トリオ”とモチモチ&プリンプリン太麺に、刻み香り塩ネギが容赦なく覆いかぶさります! この塩ネギ、味良し・香り良し・食感良しの逸材です! 最後に「MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ」のギルティマジックで、至福のまろ味をまとった旨さに進化! 必食です! ★スープもご一緒に!(その名も「鬼旨!背脂スープ」)★内容:MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ(50g)/太麺(200g)/海老/ホタテ/イカ/玉ネギ/刻み香り塩ネギ/キャベツ/ニンジン/モヤシ/ニラ/ガリ ★本品に含まれるアレルギー物質:小麦・卵・乳・えび 【閲覧注意】MAX鈴木の店ですから、もちろん2倍・3倍もご用意! 背脂タレを含むすべての食材が爆盛りっす! しかも、お得♪ If we're talking about affinity with our prized MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce, to be perfectly honest this salt yakisoba might be better than the sauce yakisoba...or so people whisper about this masterpiece! Shrimps, scallops and squid, the "seafood treasures" trio, with tender & plump thick noodles, aromatic minced green onions & salt overflowing! These salted green onions are a triumph of taste, aroma and texture! The MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce adds that guilty feeling to make it all evolve to ecstatic levels! A must try! *Enjoy the soup too! (Fatty ribs soup) *Contents: MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce (50g)/thick noodles (200g)/shrimp/scallops/squid/onions/aromatic salted minced green onions/cabbage/carrots/bean sprouts/garlic chives/vinegared ginger *Allergenic ingredients: wheat, eggs, milk, shrimp [Warning] This is a MAX Suzuki store, so naturally we offer double & triple size too! Huge portions of fatty ribs sauce and all other ingredients too!! At very good value to boot♪
    • 【3倍デカ盛1㎏超】背脂塩焼きそば※背脂タレ付きだよ [Over 1kg] Fatty Ribs & Salt Yakisoba with Sauce
      実力派メニュー「背脂塩焼きそば(並)」の全食材3倍増し(無双)。海老・ホタテ・イカの“海の宝石箱トリオ”が、モチモチ&プリンプリン太麺の中でゴロゴロ発掘されます。そして味良し・香り良し・食感良しの超名脇役、刻み香り塩ネギが大量降臨! すべての食材を、僕がこだわったガチ旨さっぱり塩味に仕立て、最後に「MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ」のギルティマジックで、至福のまろ味をまとった旨さに進化! 並3つより安い! みんなでこの幸せの味をわかちあってください♪★スープもご一緒に!(その名も「鬼旨!背脂スープ」)★内容:MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ(150g)/太麺(600g)/海老/ホタテ/イカ/玉ネギ/刻み香り塩ネギ/キャベツ/ニンジン/モヤシ/ニラ/ガリ ★本品に含まれるアレルギー物質:小麦・卵・乳・えび Our gourmet dish, "fatty ribs & salt yakisoba (regular)" with all ingredients at triple size (invincible!) Shrimps, scallops and squid, the "seafood tresures" trio with tender & plump thick noodles. The aromatic salted minced green onions, a triumph of flavor, aroma and texture, submerge it all! All ingredients are seasoned with selected refreshing salt flavor: as a final touch, the MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce brings them to new heights of scrumptiousness!! Better value than 3 regular portions! Dig in the happiness in groups! *Enjoy the soup too! (Fatty ribs soup) *Contents: MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce (150g)/thick noodles (600g)/shrimp/scallops/squid/onions/aromatic salted minced green onions/cabbage/carrots/bean sprouts/garlic chives/vinegared ginger *Allergenic ingredients: wheat, eggs, milk, shrimp
    • 海鮮増し!背脂塩焼きそば【並】※背脂タレ付きだよ [Extra Seafood] Fatty Ribs & Salt Yakisoba [Regular] with Sauce
      荒波超えて、大漁だぁ! 海老・ホタテ・イカの“海の宝石箱トリオ”が、並の2倍増し! 潮の香りとともに、僕はイッキに平らげてしまいMAX!というワケで、またまた罪なメニューの登場。モチモチ&プリンプリン太麺にまみれる自慢の「MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ」がですね、海鮮軍団にも激しく合うんです! やっぱり塩焼きそばには海の幸ですね!★スープもご一緒に!(その名も「鬼旨!背脂スープ」)★内容:MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ(50g)/太麺(200g)/海老/ホタテ/イカ/玉ネギ/刻み香り塩ネギ/キャベツ/ニンジン/モヤシ/ニラ/ガリ ★本品に含まれるアレルギー物質:小麦・卵・乳・えび 【閲覧注意】MAX鈴木の店ですから、もちろん2倍増し・3倍増しもご用意! 背脂タレを含むすべての食材が爆盛りっす! しかも、お得♪ Back from the stormy seas with a massive haul! Shrimps, scallops and squid, the "seafood treasures" trio served at double size! The aroma of the waves is calling for me to dig in!! Yes, yet another guilty pleasure. The tender & plump thick noodles and our prized MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce put up a heck of a fight against these maritime ruffians! Salt yakisoba is best with seafood, after all!! *Enjoy the soup too! (Fatty ribs soup) *Contents: MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce (50g)/thick noodles (200g)/shrimp/scallops/squid/onions/aromatic salted minced green onions/cabbage/carrots/bean sprouts/garlic chives/vinegared ginger *Allergenic ingredients: wheat, eggs, milk, shrimp [Warning] This is a MAX Suzuki store, so naturally we offer double & triple size too! Huge portions of fatty ribs sauce and all other ingredients too!! At very good value to boot♪
    • 【3倍デカ盛1㎏超】海鮮増し!背脂塩焼きそば※背脂タレ付きだよ [Over 1kg] [Extra Seafood] Fatty Ribs & Salt Yakisoba with Sauce
      もはや海鮮軍団がメインで太麺が脇役か!? と勘違いしそうなほど、海老・ホタテ・イカが祭り状態! 香ばしく広がる潮の香りにあらがえる人はいないでしょう!もちろん「MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ」やモチモチ&プリンプリン太麺、刻み香り塩ネギなど他の食材もすべて3倍増し! 並3つより安いし、海鮮フリークはみんなでコレを堪能すべし! ★スープもご一緒に!(その名も「鬼旨!背脂スープ」)★内容:MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ(150g)/太麺(600g)/海老/ホタテ/イカ/玉ネギ/刻み香り塩ネギ/キャベツ/ニンジン/モヤシ/ニラ/ガリ ★本品に含まれるアレルギー物質:小麦・卵・乳・えび The seafood has taken over the noodles!? That's what you'd think after witnessing this massive quantity of shrimps, scallops and squid!! Who could ever resist this penetrating aroma from the seas? The MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce, aromatic minced salted green onions and other ingredients are all served at triple size too! Better value than 3 regular portions, a must for all seafood freaks out there! *Enjoy the soup too! (Fatty ribs soup) *Contents: MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce (150g)/thick noodles (600g)/shrimp/scallops/squid/onions/aromatic salted minced green onions/cabbage/carrots/bean sprouts/garlic chives/vinegared ginger *Allergenic ingredients: wheat, eggs, milk, shrimp.
    • 野菜増し!背脂塩焼きそば【並】※背脂タレ付きだよ [Extra Vegetables] Fatty Ribs & Salt Yakisoba [Regular] with Sauce
      キャベツにニンジン、モヤシ、ニラの野菜軍団が、ノーマル「背脂塩焼きそば」並の2倍増し! このみずみずしい面々、食感の幅を広げてくれる楽しい仲間たちです♪ そこにモチモチ&プリンプリン太麺が混ざり合い、最後は自慢の「MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ」が超絶まろやかコラボ! ぶっちゃけ僕はこの野菜で白メシもイケますww とにかくこれほど野菜が旨い・楽しい塩焼きそばって、そうそうありません! 今すぐカートにIN♪ ★スープもご一緒に!(その名も「鬼旨!背脂スープ」)★内容:MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ(50g)/太麺(200g)/海老/ホタテ/イカ/玉ネギ/刻み香り塩ネギ/キャベツ/ニンジン/モヤシ/ニラ/ガリ ★本品に含まれるアレルギー物質:小麦・卵・乳・えび 【閲覧注意】MAX鈴木の店ですから、もちろん2倍増し・3倍増しもご用意! 背脂タレを含むすべての食材が爆盛りっす! しかも、お得♪ Cabbage, carrots, bean sprouts and garlic chives - an army of vegetables double the size of the normal "Fatty ribs & salt yakisoba"! Enjoy the refreshing taste and texture these jolly companions can offer! The tender & plump thick noodles and our prized MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce complete a super flavorful collaboration! For me, it's the best vegetable side dish (lol) In any case, you'd be hard pressed to find a salt yakisoba with such delicious & fun vegetables! Pop it in your cart, right now! *Enjoy the soup too! (Fatty ribs soup) *Contents: MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce (50g)/thick noodles (200g)/shrimp/scallops/squid/onions/ aromatic salted minced green onions/cabbage/carrots/bean sprouts/garlic chives/vinegared ginger *Allergenic ingredients: wheat, eggs, milk, shrimp [Warning] This is a MAX Suzuki store, so naturally we offer double & triple size too! Huge portions of fatty ribs sauce and all other ingredients too!! At very good value to boot♪
    • 【3倍デカ盛1.5㎏超】野菜増し!背脂塩焼きそば※背脂タレ付きだよ [Over 1.5kg] [Extra Vegetables] Fatty Ribs & Salt Yakisoba with Sauce
      ある意味このメニューが最も魔性かも!?野菜だけでほぼ1㎏! ヘルシーっぽくみえますが、逆に安心してガッツリ喰らってしまうんですww やっぱり「MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ」とこの野菜軍団は相性バツグン。そこに魅惑のモチモチ&プリンプリン太麺が空気を読まずにからんできます。超名脇役の刻み香りネギも3倍アタックをかましてきますから…油断も隙もあったもんじゃない! おまけに並3つより安いなんてどうなってんだぁあああ! ★スープもご一緒に!(その名も「鬼旨!背脂スープ」)★内容:MAX印のコク甘背脂タレ(150g)/太麺(600g)/海老/ホタテ/イカ/玉ネギ/刻み香り塩ネギ/キャベツ/ニンジン/モヤシ/ニラ/ガリ ★本品に含まれるアレルギー物質:小麦・卵・乳・えび This could just be our most attractive item!? Almost 1kg of vegetables only! It seems healthy, so you can wolf it down to your heart's content (lol) The MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce and army of vegetables have amazing affinity, as usual! The enticing tender & plump thick noodles barge in the harmony. The triple sized super side character, aromatic salted minced green onions, attack without mercy too...get ready for a relentless assault! It's even more convenient than 3 regular portions...!!! *Enjoy the soup too! (Fatty ribs soup) *Contents: MAX brand rich & sweet fatty ribs sauce (150g)/thick noodles (600g)/shrimp/scallops/squid/onions/aromatic salted minced green onions/cabbage/carrots/bean sprouts/garlic chives/vinegared ginger *Allergenic ingredients: wheat, eggs, milk, shrimp.
  • ヤミツキ背脂チャーハン Irresistible Fatty Ribs Fried Rice

  • レベチ!とり唐&ぶた唐コンビ丼 Fried Chicken & Fried Pork Combo Rice Bowl

  • 【追加必須】MAX印のもう一品! MAX Side Dishes

  • 背脂料理に合うソフトドリンク Soft Drinks Best with Fatty Food

  • よくあるご質問

    • MAX鈴木の背脂飯店【チャーハン/焼きそば/唐揚げ/ラーメン】自由が丘店 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.

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