zzzしゃぶ八 Shabuhachi
3 Chome-11-7 Roppongi, 海上ビル 4F, Minato-Ku, Tōkyō-to 106
Uber Eats で営業時間外日曜日
月曜日 - 土曜日
17:00 - 1:00
メイン Main
- 山形県産厳選黒毛和牛の焼きしゃぶ御膳Japanese Black Cattle Roasted and Shabu Beef Ribs Meal Set素材にこだわった山形県産の『最高級黒毛和牛』100gを焼きしゃぶにしました。ポン酢と大根おろしでさっぱりとお召し上がりください。 We have made Yamagata's roasted rib beef in to a grilled shabu-shabu. Please enjoy this meal with refreshing ponzu sauce and grated radish.
- とろとろ炙り角煮丼 Bowl of Rice with Broiled Pork Kakuni自家製の角煮を炙り、当店こだわりの九条ネギをのせ、特製のタレをかけた食べ応えのある丼です。 We have broiled the homemade pork kakuni, and then covered it with our special Kyujyo green onions and special sauce.
- あっさり岩中豚バラ肉の塩豚丼 Bowl of Rice with Salted Iwanaka Pork Back Ribs岩手県産の『岩中豚』を野菜と一緒に特製塩ダレで味付けした、あっさりと召し上がって頂ける丼。 This bowl of rice contains Iwanaka Pork which is from Iwate, and mixed the pork with vegetables and flavored it with special salt dressing. It has a refreshing taste.
- 厳選スペシャル・ヒレ肉カツ丼 Bowl of Rice with Iwanaka Pork Fillet Cutletしゃぶ八が自信を持ってお届けする『厳選ヒレカツ丼』鰹だしベースのお出汁に高級卵2個を使いとじました。 The pork fillet is from Iwanaka Pork which is produced in Iwate. The meal is covered with bonito stock based soup and luxurious eggs.
- 厳選スペシャル・キーマカレー Keema Curryまかないだったキーマカレーの具材のレベルを上げて作った一品。目玉焼きを崩しながら食べる濃厚キーマカレーは絶品です。 Keema Curry is popular among the staffs who work here.
- 冷しゃぶとろろぶっかけうどん Japanese Cold Shabu-Shabu and Grated Yam Udon Noodlesコシのある讃岐風うどんを冷水でしめ、冷しゃぶ、栄養満点なトロロ、高級玉子をのせ 特製和風だしで仕上げた一品です。 We have used cold sanuki-udon style noodles and added cold shabu-shabu, nutritious grated yam, and luxurious eggs with special Japanese broth to it.
- しゃぶ八名物最高級激辛明太子パスタ Shabu Hachi's Special Super Spicy Cod Roe Pasta福岡の最高級激辛平塚明太子をたっぷり使った贅沢な大人のパスタです。辛さの中にある最高の旨みをお楽しみ下さい。麺120g。 This super spicy pasta contains Fukuoka's spicy cod roe. We recommend this for people who loves spicy food.
- 熟成アボカド&納豆のシャキシャキレタス巻き Mature Avocado and Fermented Soybeans Wrapped with Lettuceヘルシーかつ栄養満点なアボカドを納豆と混ぜ合わせ、 シャキシャキレタスに包んでお召し上がりください。 We have mixed up both avocado and fermented soybeans which is very healthy and has so many nutritions. Please enjoy the meal by wrapping it with lettuce.
- くせになる冷製ゴーヤシーチキン Cold Bitter Melon and Tuna Fishゴーヤの苦味を押さえ、和風ツナマヨソースで和えた冷たいお惣菜です。 This cold meal contains bitter melon and also Japanese-style mayonnaise tuna fish so as to recover the bitter taste.
- 和風ベーコンサラダ温玉のせ Japanese-Style Bacon Salad with Half-Boiled Egg新鮮野菜にカリカリのベーコン、そぼろとまろやか温泉たまごをのせました(ノンオイル) Minced meat and half-boiled eggs are on top of the fresh vegetables and crunchy bacon. (Non-Oil)
- 大人気、明太子和えポテトサラダ Handmade Potato Salad with Cod Roe自家製ポテトサラダに明太子を混ぜた、当店人気の一品です。 This meal is our most popular meal. The cod roe is mixed into the homemade potato salad.
- しゃぶ八自慢・冷しゃぶサラダ Cold Shabu-Shabu Salad with Kyujyo Green Onions and Our Secret Sauce新鮮なお野菜の上に、自慢の豚しゃぶとたっぷりの九条ネギを当店秘伝のタレで頂くおすすめの一品。 This is our recommended meal. The pork shabu and Kyujyo Green onions is on top of the fresh vegetables and our secret sauce.
- 出汁巻き玉子九条ネギ入り Juicy Egg Roll with Kyujyo Green Onions京都の九条ネギをたっぷり入れた和風出汁の厚焼き玉子。 This egg roll with a Japanese-style juice contains tons of Kyoto's Kyujyo green onions.
- サクサクジューシー鶏の唐揚げ醤油味 Soy Sauce Flavored Crunchy Juicy Fried Chicken自家製特製ダレに漬け込んだ鶏肉は2度上げする事により、外は『カリ!』中は『ジユウシー』な仕上がりです。 By dipping the chicken into the homemade special sauce and then frying it two times, the chicken's outside became crunchy and the inside juicy.
- お肌の味方・ネバネバたっぷり大阪ネギ焼き Okonomiyaki-Style Grilled Grated Yam and Green Onions山芋トロロ、納豆、タコ、オクラ、たっぷりの九条ネギを使った大阪ネギ焼き グルテンフリーでヘルシーなのに食べ応えのある一品です。 This meal contains tons of Kyujyo Green Onions, Grated Yam, Fermented Soybeans, Egg, Octopus, Okra, and has a soft texture. It is Gluten-Free and also healthy.
- 九条ネギ追加用。2人分(50g)
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