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お店紹介 About Us
- 【お届け時間について】 [About Delivery Time]¥0当店では大量注文を除き、10分以内に調理が完了するよう努めております。
ご到着までのお時間につきましては、Uber Eatsのアプリにて状況が確認をお願いします。 We strive to complete cooking within 10 minutes, except for large orders. However, we occasionally receive low reviews saying that it is 'too late'. Even if the cooking is complete, we sometimes have trouble matching the delivery person, resulting in a delivery that is much later than scheduled or even canceled. Especially on bad weather days, it often takes time to match the delivery person. We are very sorry for the low rating due to this issue, as we have no control over the availability of delivery staff. We would appreciate it if you could understand in advance that there is a possibility of late arrival even if the cooking is completed. Please check the status on the Uber Eats app regarding the arrival time.人気 - 【お店の紹介】「マルシン純豆腐」とは [About Us] What Is "Marushin Sundubu"¥0いつもご利用いただきありがとうございます。
※こちらは店舗紹介画面となります Thank you for visiting our restaurant. We are a restaurant specializing in authentic Sundubu made with carefully selected ingredients in pursuit of a "truly delicious Sundubu." We are proud of our soup, which is infused with the flavor of seafood such as clams, krill, and kelp, as well as chicken and beef. Enjoy the spiciness of our original blend of chili peppers and the richness and sweetness of this super mellow soup. Sundubu is a dish that is attracting attention for its health and beauty benefits such as "anti-aging," "skin beautifying," "relieving fatigue," and "boosting the immune system," as it provides a wealth of nutrients all at once. [Recommendations:] Please try our original Sundubu with a wide variety of toppings! We look forward to serving you! This is the store introduction screen.
スンドゥブ Sundubu Jjigae
- プレーンスンドゥブ Plain Sundubu¥1,600 • 62% (24)【卵&ライス付き】
あさり、オキアミ、昆布など魚介の旨味がたっぷり溶け込んだ、韓国本場さながらの極上スンドゥブ。厳選された唐辛子の辛味の中に、コクと甘味が広がる超芳醇なスープをお楽しみ下さい。 [Eggs and rice included.] Simple plain sundubu with tofu, clams, green onions, and raw egg. Recommended for those who want to enjoy their favorite dish with toppings. The best Sundubu is made with the authentic taste of Korean seafood such as clams, krill, and kelp. Enjoy the rich and sweet taste of the soup, which is infused with the spiciness of carefully selected chili peppers. - 豚キムチスンドゥブ Pork Kimchi Sundubu¥2,050 • 65% (32)【卵&ライス付き】
厳選本格キムチと豚肉の旨味がマッチした大人気の一杯!あさり、オキアミ、昆布など魚介の旨味がたっぷり溶け込んだ、韓国本場さながらの極上スンドゥブ。厳選された唐辛子の辛味の中に、コクと甘味が広がる超芳醇なスープをお楽しみ下さい。 [Eggs and rice included.] A very popular dish that combines the delicious flavors of carefully selected authentic kimchi and pork! The soup is made with the best seafood such as clams, krill, kelp, etc., which are infused with the delicious taste of seafood. Enjoy the rich and sweet taste of the soup, which is infused with the spiciness of carefully selected chili peppers. - 鶏つくねチーズスンドゥブ Chicken Meatballs Cheese Sundubu¥2,100【卵&ライス付き】
もちふわで旨味たっぷりの特製鶏つくねにとろ〜りチーズでまろやかなコクをプラス。卵黄に絡めるとこれまた最高です◎。あさり、オキアミ、昆布など魚介の旨味がたっぷり溶け込んだ、韓国本場さながらの極上スンドゥブ。厳選された唐辛子 [Eggs and rice included.] The soft, fluffy, and full of flavor special chicken tsukune (meatball) with melted cheese adds a mild richness to the dish. The cheese adds a mild richness to the sticky, flavorful special chicken tsukune. The best Sundubu is made with the authentic taste of Korean seafood such as clams, krill, and kelp. Carefully selected chili peppers - とろとろ角煮スンドゥブ Braised Pork Belly Sundubu¥2,100 • 66% (6)【卵&ライス付き】
とろっとろの豚角煮でご飯が進みます。あさり、オキアミ、昆布など魚介の旨味がたっぷり溶け込んだ、韓国本場さながらの極上スンドゥブ。厳選された唐辛子の辛味の中に、コクと甘味が広がる超芳醇なスープをお楽しみ下さい。 [Eggs and rice included.] The thick pork cubes go well with rice. The soup is made with the best seafood such as clams, krill, kelp, etc., and is infused with the flavor of seafood, just like in Korea. Enjoy the rich and sweet taste of the soup, which is made with carefully selected chili peppers. - 牛すじ煮込みスンドゥブ Stewed Beef Tendons Sundubu¥2,100【卵&ライス付き】
ホロホロになるまで煮込んだ特製牛すじ煮。あさり、オキアミ、昆布など魚介の旨味がたっぷり溶け込んだ、韓国本場さながらの極上スンドゥブ。厳選された唐辛子の辛味の中に、コクと甘味が広がる超芳醇なスープをお楽しみ下さい。 [Eggs and rice included.] Special beef tenderloin stewed until tender. The soup is made with the best seafood such as clams, krill, kelp, etc., and is infused with the flavor of the seafood. Enjoy the rich and sweet taste of the super mellow soup with the spiciness of carefully selected chili peppers. - キムチ納豆スンドゥブ Kimchi Natto Sundubu¥1,850 • 66% (3)【卵&ライス付き】
Wの発酵食で体に嬉しく、身も心も満たされる美味しさです。あさり、オキアミ、昆布など魚介の旨味がたっぷり溶け込んだ、韓国本場さながらの極上スンドゥブ。厳選された唐辛子の辛味の中に、コクと甘味が広がる超芳醇なスープをお楽しみ下さい。 [Eggs and rice included.] A delicious, fermented food that is good for the body and satisfies both body and soul. The delicious taste of seafood such as clams, krill, and kelp is infused into the soup, making it a true taste of Korea. Enjoy the rich and sweet taste of the super mellow soup with the spiciness of carefully selected chili peppers. - たっぷりきのこと緑野菜スンドゥブ Sundubu With Plenty Of Mushrooms & Green Vegetables¥1,950【卵&ライス付き】
きのことブロッコリー、ほうれん草で栄養たっぷりお腹も大満足です。あさり、オキアミ、昆布など魚介の旨味がたっぷり溶け込んだ、韓国本場さながらの極上スンドゥブ。厳選された唐辛子の辛味の中に、コクと甘味が広がる超芳醇なスープをお楽しみ下さい。 [Eggs and rice included.] The mushrooms, broccoli, and spinach make this dish nutritious and satisfying for the stomach. The soup is made with the best seafood ingredients such as clams, krill, and kelp, and is served in the authentic Korean style. Enjoy the rich and sweet taste of the soup, which is made with carefully selected chili peppers. - 豚肉ときのこスンドゥブ Pork & Mushroom Sundubu¥2,100【卵&ライス付き】
きのことスンドゥブの相性は◎。豚肉の旨味もたっぷりでご飯も進みます。あさり、オキアミ、昆布など魚介の旨味がたっぷり溶け込んだ、韓国本場さながらの極上スンドゥブ。厳選された唐辛子の辛味の中に、コクと甘味が広がる超芳醇なスープをお楽しみ下さい。 [Eggs and rice included.] Mushrooms and sundubu go well together. The pork is full of flavor and makes the rice more filling. The delicious taste of seafood such as clams, krill, and kelp is infused into this authentic Korean Sundubu. Enjoy the rich and sweet taste of the soup, which is made with carefully selected chili peppers. - 豆腐2倍プレーンスンドゥブ Double Tofu Plain Sundubu¥2,000 • 71% (14)【卵&ライス付き】
豆腐好きにはたまらない、たっぷり豆腐のスンドゥブです。あさり、オキアミ、昆布など魚介の旨味がたっぷり溶け込んだ、韓国本場さながらの極上スンドゥブ。厳選された唐辛子の辛味の中に、コクと甘味が広がる超芳醇なスープをお楽しみ下さい。 [Eggs and rice included.] A tofu lover's favorite, Sundubu with plenty of tofu. The rich flavor of seafood such as clams, krill, and kelp is infused into this superb Sundubu, just like in Korea. Enjoy the rich and sweet taste of the soup, which is made with carefully selected chili peppers.
トッピング Toppings
- 生卵 Raw Egg¥150追い生卵はいかがですか? How about a raw egg afterward?
- 温泉卵 Onsen Egg¥250ぷるぷる温泉卵でとってもまろやかに。 The plump onsen egg makes it very mild.
- 特製キムチ Special Kimchi¥200酸味と辛味がスンドゥブとの相性◎ Sour and spicy taste goes well with Sundubu.人気
- 豚肉(40g) Pork (40g)¥250定番の豚肉をたっぷりどうぞ。 Please enjoy plenty of standard pork.人気
- 鶏つくね Chicken Meatballs¥300玉ねぎと生姜がアクセントの旨味たっぷり鶏つくねです。 Chicken meatballs accented with onions and ginger.
- とろとろ角煮 Braised Pork Belly¥300自慢の特製とろとろ豚角煮です。 Our special braised pork belly.
- 牛すじ Stewed Beef Tendons¥300ホロホロになるまで煮込んだ旨辛牛すじ煮込みです。 Spicy beef stew simmered until tender and tender.
- チーズ Cheese¥200とろ〜りチーズのまろやかなコクが◎ Mild and rich cheese.
- きのこ Mushroom¥200やっぱりきのこ。さすがの定番、旨味と食感◎ You have got to choose mushrooms, a classic, with great flavor and texture.
割引対象商品 Discount Items
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Uber Eats で注文するには、アプリまたは Uber Eats のウェブサイトを介する 2 通りの方法があります。【韓国スンドゥブ】マルシン純豆腐 순두부 広小路町店 のメニューを確認した後、注文する商品を選択してカートに追加します。次に注文を確認・確定し、注文状況を追跡できるようになります。
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このページで、【韓国スンドゥブ】マルシン純豆腐 순두부 広小路町店 が提供するさまざまな商品の事前確定料金情報をご確認いただけます。
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お住まいの地域で利用可能な場合は、Uber One のメンバーシップの利用をご検討ください。一部の注文では、配達手数料が無料になる特典をご利用いただけます。
【韓国スンドゥブ】マルシン純豆腐 순두부 広小路町店 の注文を支払うには、どうすればよいですか?
お支払いは Uber Eats アカウントを介して処理されます。
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