【老舗の伝統四川料理】四川麻婆豆腐 辣麻飯店 宰府2丁目店
福岡県太宰府市宰府2丁目4−10, Fukuoka, 818-0117
Uber Eats で営業時間外毎日
11:00 - 17:41
麻婆飯 Mapo Rice
- 麻婆飯 Mapo Rice香り高い麻辣醤と大豆味噌、豆豉のコクと花椒の香りが合わさった四川高級スープを麻婆豆腐飯に仕上げました。あなたの五感を刺激するヤミツキ注意の逸品です。 Made with fragrant spicy mala paste, soybean miso, rich fermented black beans, and the aroma of Sichuan pepper, this premium Sichuan soup has been transformed into mapo tofu rice. A masterpiece designed to tantalize your five senses, it comes with an addictive warning.
- 角煮麻婆飯 Mapo Rice with Braised Pork秘伝のたれで長時間煮込んだ、とろうま角煮を麻婆にドン。ご飯が止まりません。香り高い麻辣醤と大豆味噌、豆豉のコクと花椒の香りが合わさった四川高級スープを麻婆豆腐飯に仕上げました。あなたの五感を刺激するヤミツキ注意の逸品です。 Indulge in our melt-in-your-mouth braised pork belly simmered in our secret sauce, topped with mapo sauce. Once you start, you won't be able to stop. Made with fragrant spicy mala paste, soybean miso, rich fermented black beans, and the aroma of Sichuan pepper, this premium Sichuan soup has been transformed into mapo tofu rice. A masterpiece designed to tantalize your five senses, it comes with an addictive warning.
- 牛すじ麻婆飯 Mapo Rice with Beef Tendonホロホロに煮込んだ牛すじが麻婆のコクと旨味を引き立てます。香り高い麻辣醤と大豆味噌、豆豉のコクと花椒の香りが合わさった四川高級スープを麻婆豆腐飯に仕上げました。あなたの五感を刺激するヤミツキ注意の逸品です。 The tenderly simmered beef tendons enhance the richness and flavor of the mapo dish. Made with fragrant spicy mala paste, soybean miso, rich fermented black beans, and the aroma of Sichuan pepper, this premium Sichuan soup has been transformed into mapo tofu rice. A masterpiece designed to tantalize your five senses, it comes with an addictive warning.
- 温玉麻婆飯 Mapo Rice with Onsen Eggぷるぷる温泉卵をのせて、まろやかな味わいに味変。相性ぴったりです。香り高い麻辣醤と大豆味噌、豆豉のコクと花椒の香りが合わさった四川高級スープを麻婆豆腐飯に仕上げました。あなたの五感を刺激するヤミツキ注意の逸品です。 Adding a wobbly onsen egg enhances the creamy flavor of the dish, providing a perfect match. Made with fragrant spicy mala paste, soybean miso, rich fermented black beans, and the aroma of Sichuan pepper, this premium Sichuan soup has been transformed into mapo tofu rice. A masterpiece designed to tantalize your five senses, it comes with an addictive warning.
- チーズ麻婆飯 Mapo Rice with Cheeseとろ〜りチーズでより濃厚な味わいに。隠れ大人気メニューです。香り高い麻辣醤と大豆味噌、豆豉のコクと花椒の香りが合わさった四川高級スープを麻婆豆腐飯に仕上げました。あなたの五感を刺激するヤミツキ注意の逸品です。 We topped this dish with creamy cheese for an even richer flavor. It's our hidden gem menu item, beloved by many. Made with fragrant spicy mala paste, soybean miso, rich fermented black beans, and the aroma of Sichuan pepper, this premium Sichuan soup has been transformed into mapo tofu rice. A masterpiece designed to tantalize your five senses, it comes with an addictive warning.
- ガーリック麻婆飯 Mapo Rice with Garlicコクと旨味とパンチ倍増。香り高い麻辣醤と大豆味噌、豆豉のコクと花椒の香りが合わさった四川高級スープを麻婆豆腐飯に仕上げました。あなたの五感を刺激するヤミツキ注意の逸品です。 Double the richness, flavor, and punch. Made with fragrant spicy mala paste, soybean miso, rich fermented black beans, and the aroma of Sichuan pepper, this premium Sichuan soup has been transformed into mapo tofu rice. A masterpiece designed to tantalize your five senses, it comes with an addictive warning.
- 豆乳麻婆飯 Mapo Rice with Soy Milk厳選白味噌と豆乳、鶏スープの自然な旨味が合わさった当店オリジナルの白い麻婆豆腐飯。ヘルシーで優しい味わいの中に牛すじのコク、花椒の程よい刺激がクセになります。 Our original white mapo tofu rice combines carefully selected white miso, soy milk, and chicken broth for a natural umami flavor. Within its healthy and gentle taste, you'll find the richness of beef tendons and the perfect level of spiciness from Sichuan pepper, making it addictive.
- チーズ豆乳麻婆飯 Mapo Rice with Cheese and Soy Milkとろ〜りチーズでコク深く濃厚な味わいに。厳選白味噌と豆乳、鶏スープの自然な旨味が合わさった当店オリジナルの白い麻婆豆腐飯。ヘルシーで優しい味わいの中に牛すじのコク、花椒の程よい刺激がクセになります。 Enhanced with rich, creamy cheese for a deep, indulgent flavor. Our original white mapo tofu rice combines carefully selected white miso, soy milk, and chicken broth for a natural umami flavor. Within its healthy and gentle taste, you'll find the richness of beef tendons and the perfect level of spiciness from Sichuan pepper, making it addictive.
- 温玉豆乳麻婆飯 Mapo Rice with Onsen Egg and Soy Milkぷるぷる温泉卵をのせて、よりまろやかな味わいに。厳選白味噌と豆乳、鶏スープの自然な旨味が合わさった当店オリジナルの白い麻婆豆腐飯。ヘルシーで優しい味わいの中に牛すじのコク、花椒の程よい刺激がクセになります。 Topped with a wobbly onsen egg for an even smoother flavor. Our original white mapo tofu rice combines carefully selected white miso, soy milk, and chicken broth for a natural umami flavor. Within its healthy and gentle taste, you'll find the richness of beef tendons and the perfect level of spiciness from Sichuan pepper, making it addictive.
麻婆チャーハン Mapo Fried Rice
- 麻婆チャーハン Mapo Fried Rice中華料理屋本気のチャーハンに、同じく本気の麻婆豆腐をのせた至高の一皿。 An unparalleled dish: our authentic fried rice paired with our equally authentic mapo tofu.
- 角煮麻婆チャーハン Mapo Fried Rice with Braised Pork食べ応えたっぷりの角煮麻婆チャーハン。中華料理屋本気のチャーハンに、同じく本気の麻婆豆腐をのせた至高の一皿。 Satisfy your appetite with our hearty braised pork belly mapo fried rice. This is an unparalleled dish: our authentic fried rice paired with our equally authentic mapo tofu.
- 豆乳麻婆チャーハン Mapo Fried Rice with Soy Milk白い麻婆豆腐もチャーハンにぴったり。中華料理屋本気のチャーハンに、同じく本気の麻婆豆腐をのせた至高の一皿。 This white mapo tofu also pairs perfectly with fried rice. This is an unparalleled dish: our authentic fried rice paired with our equally authentic mapo tofu.
- 豆乳チーズ麻婆チャーハン Mapo Fried Rice with Soy Milk and Cheese白い麻婆豆腐にやっぱりチーズが◎。中華料理屋本気のチャーハンに、同じく本気の麻婆豆腐をのせた至高の一皿。 Cheese on top of white mapo tofu is always a winner. An unparalleled dish: our authentic fried rice paired with our equally authentic mapo tofu.
麻婆天津チャーハン Mapo Crab Omelet Fried Rice
- 麻婆天津チャーハン Mapo Fried Rice with Crab Omeletフワフワ卵をチャーハンに包んで、天津風に仕上げた裏人気メニュー。ぜひお試しください。 Indulge in our hidden gem menu item: fluffy egg wrapped around fried rice, finished with a crab omelet-style twist. Give it a try!
- 角煮麻婆天津チャーハン Mapo Fried Rice with Crab Omelet and Braised Porkフワフワ卵をチャーハンに包んで、天津風に仕上げた裏人気メニュー。ぜひお試しください。 Indulge in our hidden gem menu item: fluffy egg wrapped around fried rice, finished with a crab omelet-style twist. Give it a try!
- 豆乳麻婆天津チャーハン Mapo Fried Rice with Crab Omelet and Soy Milkフワフワ卵をチャーハンに包んで、天津風に仕上げた裏人気メニュー。ぜひお試しください。 Indulge in our hidden gem menu item: fluffy egg wrapped around fried rice, finished with a crab omelet-style twist. Give it a try!
- 豆乳チーズ麻婆天津チャーハン Mapo Fried Rice with Crab Omelet, Soy Milk and Cheeseフワフワ卵をチャーハンに包んで、天津風に仕上げた裏人気メニュー。ぜひお試しください。 Indulge in our hidden gem menu item: fluffy egg wrapped around fried rice, finished with a crab omelet-style twist. Give it a try!
麻婆ダブル盛り Double Serving of Mapo Tofu
- 【麻婆豆腐ダブル盛り】麻婆飯 Mapo Rice with a Double Serving of Mapo Tofu腹が減ったら食らうべし。ご飯の量も追加できますよ!
香り高い麻辣醤と大豆味噌、豆豉のコクと花椒の香りが合わさった四川高級スープを麻婆豆腐飯に仕上げました。あなたの五感を刺激するヤミツキ注意の逸品です。 When hunger strikes, this is a must-have. Plus, you can add extra rice! Made with fragrant spicy mala paste, soybean miso, rich fermented black beans, and the aroma of Sichuan pepper, this premium Sichuan soup has been transformed into mapo tofu rice. A masterpiece designed to tantalize your five senses, it comes with an addictive warning. - 【麻婆豆腐ダブル盛り】角煮麻婆飯 Mapo Rice and Braised Pork with a Double Serving of Mapo Tofu麻婆ダブルに角煮ものせました。ガツガツ食らってくださいね。香り高い麻辣醤と大豆味噌、豆豉のコクと花椒の香りが合わさった四川高級スープを麻婆豆腐飯に仕上げました。あなたの五感を刺激するヤミツキ注意の逸品です。 We've topped the double serving of mapo with braised pork belly as well. Dive right in and enjoy every bite! Made with fragrant spicy mala paste, soybean miso, rich fermented black beans, and the aroma of Sichuan pepper, this premium Sichuan soup has been transformed into mapo tofu rice. A masterpiece designed to tantalize your five senses, it comes with an addictive warning.
- 【麻婆豆腐ダブル盛り】豆乳麻婆飯 Mapo Rice and Soy Milk with a Double Serving of Mapo Tofu腹が減ったら食らうべし。ご飯の量も追加できますよ!厳選白味噌と豆乳、鶏スープの自然な旨味が合わさった当店オリジナルの白い麻婆豆腐飯。ヘルシーで優しい味わいの中に牛すじのコク、花椒の程よい刺激がクセになります。 When hunger strikes, this is a must-have. Our original white mapo tofu rice combines carefully selected white miso, soy milk, and chicken broth for a natural umami flavor. Within its healthy and gentle taste, you'll find the richness of beef tendons and the perfect level of spiciness from Sichuan pepper, making it addictive.
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【老舗の伝統四川料理】四川麻婆豆腐 辣麻飯店 宰府2丁目店 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
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