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熱盛りchicken bowl アツチキ 神谷店

東京都北区神谷1丁目31-5, 根本ビル1階, Tokyo, 115-0043

Uber Eats で営業時間外
2024年11月28日 をもって Uber Eats での営業を終了しました。
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9:00 - 7:00

メニュー Menu

9:00 AM – 7:00 AM

  • 塩だれ鶏丼 Chicken Rice Bowl with Salt Sauce

    • 極旨塩だれにんにく鶏丼(お肉200g) Garlic Chicken Rice Bowl with Delicious Salt sauce (200g of Meat)
      極旨な塩だれとトリにキムチの辛味と酸味をプラス!お肉もごはんもいっぱいで満足な一杯 The extremely tasty salt sauce and chicken with the spicy and sour taste of kimchi! A satisfying bowl full of meat and rice!
    • 極旨塩だれにんにくキムチ鶏丼(お肉200g) Garlic and Kimchi Chicken Rice Bowl with Delicious Salt sauce (200g of Meat)
      極旨な塩だれとトリの組み合わせでドはまり間違えなし!お肉もごはんもいっぱいで満足な一杯 The combination of the extremely tasty salt sauce and chicken is sure to get you addicted! A satisfying bowl full of meat and rice!
    • 極旨塩だれにんにく鶏丼(お肉400g) Garlic Chicken Rice Bowl with Delicious Salt sauce (400g of Meat)
      極旨な塩だれとトリの組み合わせでドはまり間違えなし!お肉もごはんもいっぱいで満足な一杯 The combination of the extremely tasty salt sauce and chicken is sure to get you addicted! A satisfying bowl full of meat and rice!
    • 極旨塩だれにんにくキムチ鶏丼(お肉400g) Garlic and Kimchi Chicken Rice Bowl with Delicious Salt sauce (400g of Meat)
      極旨な塩だれとトリにキムチの辛味と酸味をプラス!お肉もごはんもいっぱいで満足な一杯 The extremely tasty salt sauce and chicken with the spicy and sour taste of kimchi! A satisfying bowl full of meat and rice!
  • ガリバタ鶏丼 Garlic Butter Chicken Rice Bowl

    • ガリバタ鶏丼並(お肉200g) Regular Portion of Garlic Butter Chicken Rice Bowl (200g of Meat)
      ご飯がすすむにんにくバター醤油がクセになる!お肉はデカ盛り!ご飯もたっぷり!この一杯でお腹いっぱい召し上がれ! The garlic butter soy sauce is addictive! The meat is huge! Plenty of rice! Enjoy a full meal with this one dish!
    • キムチガリバタ鶏丼並(お肉200g) Regular Portion of Kimchi and Garlic Butter Chicken Rice Bowl (200g of Meat)
      ご飯がすすむにんにくバター醤油にキムチの辛味と酸味をプラス!お肉はデカ盛り!ご飯もたっぷり!この一杯でお腹いっぱい召し上がれ! Garlic butter soy sauce with spicy and sour kimchi to make your rice go faster! The meat is huge! Plenty of rice! Enjoy a full meal with this one dish!
    • チーズガリバタ鶏丼並(お肉200g) Regular Portion of Cheese Garlic Butter Chicken Rice Bowl (200g of Meat)
      ご飯がすすむにんにくバター醤油にチーズのまろやかなコクをプラス!お肉はデカ盛り!ご飯もたっぷり!この一杯でお腹いっぱい召し上がれ! Garlic butter soy sauce that goes well with rice, added with the mild richness of cheese! The meat is huge! Plenty of rice! Enjoy a full meal with this one dish!
    • キムチーズガリバタ鶏丼並(お肉200g) Regular Portion of Kimchi and Cheese Garlic Butter Chicken Rice Bowl (200g of Meat)
      ご飯がすすむにんにくバター醤油にチーズとキムチの最強トッピングをプラス!お肉はデカ盛り!ご飯もたっぷり!この一杯でお腹いっぱい召し上がれ Garlic butter soy sauce with cheese and kimchi toppings to make your rice go faster! The meat is huge! Plenty of rice! Enjoy a full meal with this one dish!
    • ガリバタ鶏丼肉大盛 (お肉400g) Large Portion of Garlic Butter Chicken Rice Bowl (400g of Meat)
      ご飯がすすむにんにくバター醤油がクセになる!お肉はデカ盛り!ご飯もたっぷり!この一杯でお腹いっぱい召し上がれ! The garlic butter soy sauce is addictive! The meat is huge! Plenty of rice! Enjoy a full meal with this one dish!
    • キムチガリバタ鶏丼肉大盛 (お肉400g) Large Portion of Kimchi and Garlic Butter Chicken Rice Bowl (400g of Meat)
      ご飯がすすむにんにくバター醤油にキムチの辛味と酸味をプラス!お肉はデカ盛り!ご飯もたっぷり!この一杯でお腹いっぱい召し上がれ! Garlic butter soy sauce with spicy and sour kimchi to make your rice go faster! The meat is huge! Plenty of rice! Enjoy a full meal with this one dish!
    • チーズガリバタ鶏丼肉大盛 (お肉400g) Large Portion of Cheese Garlic Butter Chicken Rice Bowl (400g of Meat)
      ご飯がすすむにんにくバター醤油にチーズのまろやかなコクをプラス!お肉はデカ盛り!ご飯もたっぷり!この一杯でお腹いっぱい召し上がれ! Garlic butter soy sauce that goes well with rice, added with the mild richness of cheese! The meat is huge! Plenty of rice! Enjoy a full meal with this one dish!
    • キムチーズガリバタ鶏丼肉大盛 (お肉400g) Large Portion of Kimchi and Cheese Garlic Butter Chicken Rice Bowl (400g of Meat)
      ご飯がすすむにんにくバター醤油にチーズとキムチの最強トッピングをプラス!お肉はデカ盛り!ご飯もたっぷり!この一杯でお腹いっぱい召し上がれ Garlic butter soy sauce with cheese and kimchi toppings to make your rice go faster! The meat is huge! Plenty of rice! Enjoy a full meal with this one dish!
  • ヤンニョム鶏丼 Yangnyeom Chicken Rice Bowl

    • ガーリックヤンニョム鶏丼並(お肉200g) Regular Portion of Garlic Yangnyeom Chicken Rice Bowl (200g of Meat)
      濃厚なガーリックと香辛料が絶妙に調和した、唐辛子のピリ辛さが特徴の魅惑の一品です。新鮮でジューシーな鶏肉200gが、特製のヤンニョムソースに絡まり、ご飯との相性抜群。一口食べれば、まさに旨辛の舌鼓! This attractive dish is a perfect blend of rich garlic and spices with the spicy flavor of chili peppers. 200g of fresh, juicy chicken meat is mixed with special yangnyeom sauce and goes perfectly with the rice. One bite is truly a deliciously spicy treat for the tongue!
    • キムチガーリックヤンニョム鶏丼並(お肉200g) Regular Portion Kimchi Garlic Yangnyeom Chicken Rice Bowl (200g of Meat)
      濃厚なガーリックとピリ辛キムチのダイナミックな出会いが、あなたの味蕾を魅了。200gのジューシーな鶏肉が、贅沢に絡まり、ご飯との相性は最高潮。新しい辛旨フュージョン。食べれば、病みつきになる驚きの美味しさをお楽しみください! The dynamic encounter of rich garlic and spicy kimchi will captivate your taste buds, while 200g of juicy chicken meat is luxuriously mixed and matched with rice. A new spicy and delicious fusion. Enjoy the surprising taste that will make you addicted to it!
    • チーズガーリックヤンニョム鶏丼並(お肉200g) Regular Portion of Cheese Garlic Yangnyeom Chicken Rice Bowl (200g of Meat)
      濃厚なガーリックと口どけの良いチーズが奏でる究極の組み合わせ。200gのジューシーな鶏肉が、チーズソースの愛らしいトッピングと一体化。辛旨とチーズのハーモニーが贅沢に広がります。 The ultimate combination of rich garlic and melt-in-your-mouth cheese, 200g of juicy chicken meat is integrated with a lovely topping of cheese sauce. The harmony of spicy flavor and cheese spreads luxuriously.
    • キムチーズガーリックヤンニョム鶏丼並(お肉200g) Regular Portion of Kimchi and Cheese Garlic Yangnyeom Chicken Rice Bowl (200g of Meat)
      旨辛、チーズ、そしてキムチ。3つの旨みが交わる至福の瞬間!濃厚なガーリックとピリ辛キムチが絶妙にマッチし、その上にとろけるチーズソースが絶品のハーモニーを奏でます。200gのジューシーな鶏肉との贅沢な出会いで一度食べれば、舌の奥まで広がる驚きの美味しさが病みつきになります! The perfect combination of three tastes: spicy garlic, cheese, and kimchi! The rich garlic and spicy kimchi perfectly match and the melted cheese sauce creates an exquisite harmony. 200g of juicy chicken is luxurious, and once you try it, you will be addicted to the amazing taste that spreads to the back of your tongue!
    • ガーリックヤンニョム鶏丼肉大盛 (お肉400g) Large Portion of Garlic Yangnyeom Chicken Rice Bowl (400g of Meat)
      濃厚なガーリックと香辛料が絶妙に調和した、唐辛子のピリ辛さが特徴の魅惑の一品です。新鮮でジューシーな鶏肉400gが、特製のヤンニョムソースに絡まり、ご飯との相性抜群。一口食べれば、まさに旨辛の舌鼓! This attractive dish is a perfect blend of rich garlic and spices with the spicy flavor of chili peppers. 400g of fresh, juicy chicken meat is mixed with special yangnyeom sauce and goes perfectly with the rice. One bite is truly a deliciously spicy treat for the tongue!
    • キムチガーリックヤンニョム鶏丼肉大盛 (お肉400g) Large Portion Kimchi Garlic Yangnyeom Chicken Rice Bowl (400g of Meat)
      濃厚なガーリックとピリ辛キムチのダイナミックな出会い。400gのジューシーな鶏肉が、贅沢に絡まり、ご飯との相性は最高潮。新しい辛旨フュージョン。食べれば、病みつきになる驚きの美味しさをお楽しみください! A dynamic encounter of rich garlic and spicy kimchi, 400g of juicy chicken meat is luxuriously mixed and matched with rice. A new spicy and delicious fusion. Enjoy the surprising taste that will make you addicted once you try it!
    • チーズガーリックヤンニョム鶏丼肉大盛 (お肉400g) Large Portion of Cheese Garlic Yangnyeom Chicken Rice Bowl (400g of Meat)
      濃厚なガーリックと口どけの良いチーズが奏でる究極の組み合わせ。400gのジューシーな鶏肉が、チーズソースの愛らしいトッピングと一体化。辛旨とチーズのハーモニーが贅沢に広がります。 The ultimate combination of rich garlic and melt-in-your-mouth cheese, 400g of juicy chicken meat is integrated with a lovely topping of cheese sauce. The harmony of spicy flavor and cheese spreads luxuriously.
    • キムチーズガーリックヤンニョム鶏丼肉大盛 (お肉400g) Large Portion of Kimchi and Cheese Garlic Yangnyeom Chicken Rice Bowl (400g of Meat)
      旨辛、チーズ、そしてキムチ。3つの旨みが交わる至福の瞬間!濃厚なガーリックとピリ辛キムチが絶妙にマッチし、その上にとろけるチーズソースが絶品のハーモニーを奏でます。400gのジューシーな鶏肉との贅沢な出会いで一度食べれば、舌の奥まで広がる驚きの美味しさが病みつきになります! The perfect combination of three tastes: spicy garlic, cheese, and kimchi! The rich garlic and spicy kimchi perfectly match and the melted cheese sauce creates an exquisite harmony. 200g of juicy chicken is luxurious, and once you try it, you will be addicted to the amazing taste that spreads to the back of your tongue!
  • にんにく醤油鶏丼 Garlic Soy Sauce Chicken Rice Bowl

    • にんにく醤油鶏丼 並(お肉200g) Regular Portion of Garlic and Soy Sauce Chicken Rice Bowl (200g of Meat)
      自家製にんにく醤油が食欲をそそる!お肉はデカ盛り!ご飯もたっぷり!この一杯でお腹いっぱい召し上がれ! Homemade garlic soy sauce is appetizing! The meat is huge! Plenty of rice! Enjoy a full meal with this one dish!
    • キムチにんにく醤油鶏丼並(お肉200g) Regular Portion of Kimchi and Garlic Soy Sauce Chicken Rice Bowl (200g of Meat)
      自家製にんにく醤油とアクセントのキムチが相性抜群!お肉はデカ盛り!ご飯もたっぷり!この一杯でお腹いっぱい召し上がれ! Homemade garlic soy sauce and kimchi accents go great together! The meat is huge! Plenty of rice! Enjoy a full meal with this one dish!
    • チーズにんにく醤油鶏丼並(お肉200g) Regular Portion of Cheese Garlic Soy Sauce Chicken Rice Bowl (200g of Meat)
      自家製にんにく醤油にチーズでまろやかなコクをプラス!お肉はデカ盛り!ご飯もたっぷり!この一杯でお腹いっぱい召し上がれ! Homemade garlic soy sauce and cheese add a mild richness! The meat is huge! Plenty of rice! Enjoy a full meal with this one dish!
    • キムチーズにんにく醤油鶏丼並(お肉200g) Regular Portion of Kimchi and Cheese Garlic Soy Sauce Chicken Rice Bowl (200g of Meat)
      自家製にんにく醤油にチーズとキムチの最強トッピングを!お肉はデカ盛り!ご飯もたっぷり!この一杯でお腹いっぱい召し上がれ! Homemade garlic soy sauce with the strongest toppings of cheese and kimchi! The meat is huge! Plenty of rice! Enjoy a full meal with this one dish!
    • にんにく醤油鶏丼 肉大盛 (お肉400g) Garlic and Soy Sauce Chicken Rice Bowl with Large Portion of Meat (400g of Meat)
      自家製にんにく醤油が食欲をそそる!お肉はデカ盛り!ご飯もたっぷり!この一杯でお腹いっぱい召し上がれ! Homemade garlic soy sauce is appetizing! The meat is huge! Plenty of rice! Enjoy a full meal with this one dish!
    • キムチにんにく醤油鶏丼 肉大盛 (お肉400g) Kimchi and Garlic Soy Sauce Chicken Rice Bowl with Large Portion of Meat (400g of Meat)
      自家製にんにく醤油とアクセントのキムチが相性抜群!お肉はデカ盛り!ご飯もたっぷり!この一杯でお腹いっぱい召し上がれ! Homemade garlic soy sauce and kimchi accents go great together! The meat is huge! Plenty of rice! Enjoy a full meal with this one dish!
    • チーズにんにく醤油鶏丼 肉大盛 (お肉400g) Cheese Garlic Soy Sauce Chicken Rice Bowl with Large Portion of Meat (400g of Meat)
      自家製にんにく醤油にチーズでまろやかなコクをプラス!お肉はデカ盛り!ご飯もたっぷり!この一杯でお腹いっぱい召し上がれ! Homemade garlic soy sauce and cheese add a mild richness! The meat is huge! Plenty of rice! Enjoy a full meal with this one dish!
    • キムチーズにんにく醤油鶏丼肉大盛 (お肉400g) Large Portion of Kimchi and Cheese Garlic Soy Sauce Chicken Rice Bowl (400g of Meat)
      自家製にんにく醤油にチーズとキムチの最強トッピングを!お肉はデカ盛り!ご飯もたっぷり!この一杯でお腹いっぱい召し上がれ! Homemade garlic soy sauce with the strongest toppings of cheese and kimchi! The meat is huge! Plenty of rice! Enjoy a full meal with this one dish!
  • よくあるご質問

    • 熱盛りchicken bowl アツチキ 神谷店 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.

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