極太タンミョン春雨 いぶき野店は、和泉市に位置する韓国料理のレストランです。こちらの店では、特に極太の春雨を使用した料理が人気で、とろ~り温玉担々極太春雨やとろ~り温玉豚骨極太春雨などが顧客に好評です。温玉をトッピングした様々な味の極太春雨料理を提供しており、辛さを調節したシビカラシリーズもあります。
x 配達手数料が ¥0
9:30 - 17:30
- 「ライク」数 #1とろ~り温玉担々極太春雨 Runny Soft Boiled Tantan-men Thick Glass Noodles
¥1,480 • 83% (261)
- 「ライク」数 #2チゲ極太春雨 Sundubu Thick Glass Noodles
¥1,380 • 72% (65)
- 「ライク」数 #3とろ~り温玉チゲ極太春雨 Runny Soft Boiled Sundubu Thick Glass Noodles
¥1,480 • 86% (52)
- とろ~り温玉麻婆極太春雨 Runny Soft Boiled Mapo Thick Glass Noodles
¥1,480 • 86% (106)
- とろ~り温玉豚骨極太春雨 Runny Soft Boiled Pork Bone Thick Glass Noodles
¥1,480 • 87% (41)
極太春雨 Thick Glass Noodles
- チゲ極太春雨 Sundubu Thick Glass Noodles¥1,380 • 72% (65)「タンミョン」をご存じですか?その正体は、春雨!中国で話題の春雨は極太なのが特徴です。
タンミョン独特のモチモチ食感をスンドゥブでお楽しみください! Have you ever heard of tangmyun? It is also known as glass noodles! They are well-known in China for their thickness. The chewy texture and addictive flavor of the soup make it a favorite, with many returning for more! Enjoy the unique chewy texture of tangmyun with sundubu! - 麻婆極太春雨 Mapo Thick Glass Noodles¥1,380 • 82% (125)「タンミョン」をご存じですか?その正体は、春雨!中国で話題の春雨は極太なのが特徴です。
タンミョン独特のモチモチ食感を麻婆でお楽しみください! Have you ever heard of tangmyun? It is also known as glass noodles! They are well-known in China for their thickness. The chewy texture and addictive flavor of the soup make it a favorite, with many returning for more! Enjoy the unique chewy texture of tangmyun with mapo! - 担々極太春雨 Tantan-men Thick Glass Noodles¥1,380 • 85% (181)「タンミョン」をご存じですか?その正体は、春雨!中国で話題の春雨は極太なのが特徴です。
タンミョン独特のモチモチ食感を坦々風でお楽しみください! Have you ever heard of tangmyun? It is also known as glass noodles! They are well-known in China for their thickness. The chewy texture and addictive flavor of the soup make it a favorite, with many returning for more! Enjoy the unique chewy texture of tangmyun with a tantan-men style soup! - 豚骨極太春雨 Pork Bone Thick Glass Noodles¥1,380 • 73% (71)「タンミョン」をご存じですか?その正体は、春雨!中国で話題の春雨は極太なのが特徴です。
タンミョン独特のモチモチ食感を豚骨でお楽しみください! Have you ever heard of tangmyun? It is also known as glass noodles! They are well-known in China for their thickness. The chewy texture and addictive flavor of the soup make it a favorite, with many returning for more! Enjoy the unique chewy texture of tangmyun with pork bone broth!
温玉極太春雨 Soft-Boiled Egg with Thick Glass Noodles
- とろ~り温玉担々極太春雨 Runny Soft Boiled Tantan-men Thick Glass Noodles¥1,480 • 83% (261)「タンミョン」をご存じですか?その正体は、春雨!中国で話題の春雨は極太なのが特徴です。
タンミョン独特のモチモチ食感を坦々風でお楽しみください!※温玉は別添えでの提供です Have you ever heard of tangmyun? It is also known as glass noodles! They are well-known in China for their thickness. The chewy texture and addictive flavor of the soup make it a favorite, with many returning for more! Enjoy the unique chewy texture of tangmyun with a tantan-men style soup! *The soft-boiled egg is served separately. - とろ~り温玉チゲ極太春雨 Runny Soft Boiled Sundubu Thick Glass Noodles¥1,480 • 86% (52)「タンミョン」をご存じですか?その正体は、春雨!中国で話題の春雨は極太なのが特徴です。
タンミョン独特のモチモチ食感をスンドゥブでお楽しみください!※温玉は別添えでの提供です Have you ever heard of tangmyun? It is also known as glass noodles! They are well-known in China for their thickness. The chewy texture and addictive flavor of the soup make it a favorite, with many returning for more! Enjoy the unique chewy texture of tangmyun with sundubu! *The soft-boiled egg is served separately. - とろ~り温玉麻婆極太春雨 Runny Soft Boiled Mapo Thick Glass Noodles¥1,480 • 86% (106)「タンミョン」をご存じですか?その正体は、春雨!中国で話題の春雨は極太なのが特徴です。
タンミョン独特のモチモチ食感を麻婆でお楽しみください!※温玉は別添えでの提供です Have you ever heard of tangmyun? It is also known as glass noodles! They are well-known in China for their thickness. The chewy texture and addictive flavor of the soup make it a favorite, with many returning for more! Enjoy the unique chewy texture of tangmyun with mapo! *The soft-boiled egg is served separately. - とろ~り温玉豚骨極太春雨 Runny Soft Boiled Pork Bone Thick Glass Noodles¥1,480 • 87% (41)「タンミョン」をご存じですか?その正体は、春雨!中国で話題の春雨は極太なのが特徴です。
タンミョン独特のモチモチ食感を豚骨でお楽しみください!※温玉は別添えでの提供です Have you ever heard of tangmyun? It is also known as glass noodles! They are well-known in China for their thickness. The chewy texture and addictive flavor of the soup make it a favorite, with many returning for more! Enjoy the unique chewy texture of tangmyun with pork bone broth! *The soft-boiled egg is served separately.
シビカラ極太春雨 Shibakara Thick Glass Noodles
- シビカラ担々極太春雨 Shibakara Tantan-men Thick Glass Noodles¥1,440 • 81% (44)「タンミョン」をご存じですか?その正体は、春雨!中国で話題の春雨は極太なのが特徴です。
タンミョン独特のモチモチ食感を坦々風でお楽しみください!※唐辛子は別添えでの提供です Have you ever heard of tangmyun? It is also known as glass noodles! They are well-known in China for their thickness. The chewy texture and addictive flavor of the soup make it a favorite, with many returning for more! Enjoy the unique chewy texture of tangmyun with a tantan-men style soup! *Chili is served separately - シビカラ豚骨極太春雨 Shibakara Pork Bone Thick Glass Noodles¥1,440 • 70% (17)「タンミョン」をご存じですか?その正体は、春雨!中国で話題の春雨は極太なのが特徴です。
タンミョン独特のモチモチ食感を豚骨でお楽しみください!※唐辛子は別添えでの提供です Have you ever heard of tangmyun? It is also known as glass noodles! They are well-known in China for their thickness. The chewy texture and addictive flavor of the soup make it a favorite, with many returning for more! Enjoy the unique chewy texture of tangmyun with pork bone broth! *Chili is served separately - シビカラ麻婆極太春雨 Shibakara Mapo Thick Glass Noodles¥1,440 • 76% (126)「タンミョン」をご存じですか?その正体は、春雨!中国で話題の春雨は極太なのが特徴です。
タンミョン独特のモチモチ食感を麻婆でお楽しみください!※唐辛子は別添えでの提供です Have you ever heard of tangmyun? It is also known as glass noodles! They are well-known in China for their thickness. The chewy texture and addictive flavor of the soup make it a favorite, with many returning for more! Enjoy the unique chewy texture of tangmyun with mapo! *Chili is served separately - シビカラチゲ極太春雨 Shibakara Sundubu Thick Glass Noodles¥1,440 • 82% (23)「タンミョン」をご存じですか?その正体は、春雨!中国で話題の春雨は極太なのが特徴です。
タンミョン独特のモチモチ食感をスンドゥブでお楽しみください!※唐辛子は別添えでの提供です Have you ever heard of tangmyun? It is also known as glass noodles! They are well-known in China for their thickness. The chewy texture and addictive flavor of the soup make it a favorite, with many returning for more! Enjoy the unique chewy texture of tangmyun with sundubu! *Chili is served separately
大阪では、Uber Eats で 極太タンミョン春雨 いぶき野店 から配達を注文できますか?
はい。大阪では Uber Eats で 極太タンミョン春雨 いぶき野店 からの配達をご利用いただけます。
この近くで 極太タンミョン春雨 いぶき野店 からの配達は利用できますか?
お届け先住所を入力し、大阪で 極太タンミョン春雨 いぶき野店 からの配達が利用可能かどうかをご確認ください。
大阪で 極太タンミョン春雨 いぶき野店 からの配達をオンライン注文するにはどうすればよいですか?
Uber Eats で注文するには、アプリまたは Uber Eats のウェブサイトを介したオンラインの 2 通りの方法があります。極太タンミョン春雨 いぶき野店 のメニューを確認した後、注文する商品を選択してカートに追加します。次に注文を確認し、確定します。注文状況を追跡することもできます。
極太タンミョン春雨 いぶき野店 のオンラインメニューの料金はどこで確認できますか?
このページで、極太タンミョン春雨 いぶき野店 が提供するさまざまな商品の事前確定料金情報をご確認いただけます。
どうすれば 極太タンミョン春雨 いぶき野店 の注文を無料で配達してもらえますか?
お住まいの地域で利用可能な場合は Uber One のメンバーシップの利用をご検討ください。特典の 1 つとして一部の注文では配達手数料が無料になり、お得です。
極太タンミョン春雨 いぶき野店 の注文を支払うには、どうすればよいですか?
お支払いは Uber Eats アカウントを介して処理されます。
大阪で 極太タンミョン春雨 いぶき野店 からの配達注文で最もおすすめの料理は何ですか?
極太タンミョン春雨 いぶき野店 で何を注文するかに関するヒントが必要な場合は、このページの [あなたへのおすすめ] に表示されている商品をご確認ください。