台湾まぜそば 禁断のとびら 赤山本町店
埼玉県越谷市赤山本町2-8, 吾山ビル4階, Tokyo, 343-0808
Uber Eats で営業時間外日曜日
15:00 - 21:00
月曜日 - 木曜日
15:00 - 23:00
金曜日 - 土曜日
15:00 - 2:00
台湾まぜそば Taiwanese Mazesoba Noodles
- 👑王道の台湾まぜそば👑 Classic Taiwanese Mazesoba Noodles不動の人気No.1!極太の全粒粉麺とオリジナル台湾ミンチで中毒性MAX!唯一無二で究極の台湾まぜそばをご堪能下さい!※魚粉はタレに入っています Undisputed No.1! The extra-thick whole wheat noodles and original Taiwanese minced meat make it addictive to the max! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
- 🍖肉好きにはたまらない!肉入り台湾まぜそば🍖 Perfect for Meat Lovers! Taiwanese Mazesoba Noodles with Meat自家製の四角いチャーシューは絶品!極太の全粒粉麺とオリジナル台湾ミンチで中毒性MAX!唯一無二で究極の台湾まぜそばをご堪能下さい!※魚粉はタレに入っています The homemade square chashu is excellent! The extra-thick whole wheat noodles and original Taiwanese minced meat make it addictive to the max! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
- 🧀女性に大人気!チーズ台湾まぜそば🧀 Very Popular with Women! Cheese Taiwanese Mazesoba Noodles女性人気No.1!極太の全粒粉麺とオリジナル台湾ミンチで中毒性MAX!唯一無二で究極の台湾まぜそばをご堪能下さい!※濃厚チーズは麺と絡めてあります※魚粉はタレに入っています No.1 in female popularity! The extra-thick whole wheat noodles and original Taiwanese minced meat make it addictive to the max! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *The thick cheese is mixed with the noodles. *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
- 🍛コク旨!カレー台湾まぜそば🍛 Delicious! Curry Taiwanese Mazesoba Noodles追い飯悶絶必至!極太の全粒粉麺とオリジナル台湾ミンチで中毒性MAX!唯一無二で究極の台湾まぜそばをご堪能下さい!※魚粉はタレに入っています Additional rice is too good! The extra-thick whole wheat noodles and original Taiwanese minced meat make it addictive to the max! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
- 🍛🧀相性抜群!カレーチーズ台湾まぜそば🍛🧀 Excellent Match! Curry Cheese Taiwanese Mazesobaスタッフ人気No.1!極太の全粒粉麺とオリジナル台湾ミンチで中毒性MAX!唯一無二で究極の台湾まぜそばをご堪能下さい!※濃厚チーズは麺と絡めてあります※魚粉はタレに入っています The staff's No.1 favorite! The extra-thick whole wheat noodles and original Taiwanese minced meat make it addictive to the max! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *The thick cheese is mixed with the noodles. *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
- 🍜圧巻の全部のせ台湾まぜそば🍜 Taiwanese Mazesoba Noodles with All Toppings豪華圧巻!極太の全粒粉麺とオリジナル台湾ミンチで中毒性MAX!唯一無二で究極の台湾まぜそばをご堪能下さい!※魚粉はタレに入っています Gorgeous and impressive! The extra-thick whole wheat noodles and original Taiwanese minced meat make it addictive to the max! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
- 🌶🔥癖になること間違いなし!シビ辛台湾まぜそば🔥🌶 You will Definitely Get Addicted to It! Spicy Taiwanese Mazesoba Noodles痺れる辛旨がやみつきに!極太の全粒粉麺とオリジナル台湾ミンチで中毒性MAX!唯一無二で究極の台湾まぜそばをご堪能下さい!※魚粉はタレに入っています The numbing spiciness is addictive! The extra-thick whole wheat noodles and original Taiwanese minced meat make it addictive to the max! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
- 🍳特製味玉入り台湾まぜそば🍳 Taiwanese Mazesoba Noodles with Special Seasoned Egg特製の味玉入り!極太の全粒粉麺とオリジナル台湾ミンチで中毒性MAX!唯一無二で究極の台湾まぜそばをご堪能下さい!※魚粉はタレに入っています With specially seasoned egg! The extra-thick whole wheat noodles and original Taiwanese minced meat make it addictive to the max! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
- ✨絶品!マヨ台湾まぜそば✨ Excellent! Mayo Taiwanese Mazesoba Noodlesやっぱりマヨネーズが最強!極太の全粒粉麺とオリジナル台湾ミンチで中毒性MAX!唯一無二で究極の台湾まぜそばをご堪能下さい!※魚粉はタレに入っています Mayonnaise is the best! The extra-thick whole wheat noodles and original Taiwanese minced meat make it addictive to the max! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
まぜそば Mazesoba Noodles
- ✌️究極の醤油まぜそば✌️ Ultimate Soy Sauce Mazesoba Noodles辛くない!コク旨!極太の全粒粉麺と企業秘密の特製タレで濃厚に!唯一無二で究極のまぜそばをご堪能下さい!※魚粉はタレに入っています Not spicy! Delicious! Extra-thick whole wheat noodles and the company's secret special sauce make it rich! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
大盛り Large Portion
- 👑(大盛り)王道の台湾まぜそば👑 (Large Portion) Classic Taiwanese Mazesoba Noodles不動の人気No.1!極太の全粒粉麺とオリジナル台湾ミンチで中毒性MAX!唯一無二で究極の台湾まぜそばをご堪能下さい!※魚粉はタレに入っています Undisputed No.1! The extra-thick whole wheat noodles and original Taiwanese minced meat make it addictive to the max! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
- 🍖(大盛り)肉好きにはたまらない!肉入り台湾まぜそば🍖 (Large Portion) Perfect for Meat Lovers! Taiwanese Mazesoba Noodles with Meat自家製の四角いチャーシューは絶品!極太の全粒粉麺とオリジナル台湾ミンチで中毒性MAX!唯一無二で究極の台湾まぜそばをご堪能下さい!※魚粉はタレに入っています The homemade square chashu is excellent! The extra-thick whole wheat noodles and original Taiwanese minced meat make it addictive to the max! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
- 🧀(大盛り)女性に大人気!チーズ台湾まぜそば🧀 (Large Portion) Very Popular with Women! Cheese Taiwanese Mazesoba Noodles女性人気No.1!極太の全粒粉麺とオリジナル台湾ミンチで中毒性MAX!唯一無二で究極の台湾まぜそばをご堪能下さい!※濃厚チーズは麺と絡めてあります※魚粉はタレに入っています No.1 in female popularity! The extra-thick whole wheat noodles and original Taiwanese minced meat make it addictive to the max! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *The thick cheese is mixed with the noodles. *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
- 🍛(大盛り)コク旨!カレー台湾まぜそば🍛 (Large Portion) Delicious! Curry Taiwanese Mazesoba Noodles追い飯悶絶必至!極太の全粒粉麺とオリジナル台湾ミンチで中毒性MAX!唯一無二で究極の台湾まぜそばをご堪能下さい!※魚粉はタレに入っています Additional rice is too good! The extra-thick whole wheat noodles and original Taiwanese minced meat make it addictive to the max! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
- 🍛🧀(大盛り)相性抜群!カレーチーズ台湾まぜそば🍛🧀 (Large Portion) Excellent Match! Curry Cheese Taiwanese Mazesobaスタッフ人気No.1!極太の全粒粉麺とオリジナル台湾ミンチで中毒性MAX!唯一無二で究極の台湾まぜそばをご堪能下さい!※濃厚チーズは麺と絡めてあります※魚粉はタレに入っています The staff's No.1 favorite! The extra-thick whole wheat noodles and original Taiwanese minced meat make it addictive to the max! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *The thick cheese is mixed with the noodles. *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
- 🍜(大盛り)圧巻の全部のせ台湾まぜそば🍜 (Large Portion) Taiwanese Mazesoba Noodles with All Toppings豪華圧巻!極太の全粒粉麺とオリジナル台湾ミンチで中毒性MAX!唯一無二で究極の台湾まぜそばをご堪能下さい!※魚粉はタレに入っています Gorgeous and impressive! The extra-thick whole wheat noodles and original Taiwanese minced meat make it addictive to the max! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
- 🌶🔥(大盛り)癖になること間違いなし!シビ辛台湾まぜそば🔥🌶 (Large Portion) You will Definitely Get Addicted to It! Spicy Taiwanese Mazesoba Noodles痺れる辛旨がやみつきに!極太の全粒粉麺とオリジナル台湾ミンチで中毒性MAX!唯一無二で究極の台湾まぜそばをご堪能下さい!※魚粉はタレに入っています The numbing spiciness is addictive! The extra-thick whole wheat noodles and original Taiwanese minced meat make it addictive to the max! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
- 🍳(大盛り)特製味玉入り台湾まぜそば🍳 (Large Portion) Taiwanese Mazesoba Noodles with Special Seasoned Egg特製の味玉入り!極太の全粒粉麺とオリジナル台湾ミンチで中毒性MAX!唯一無二で究極の台湾まぜそばをご堪能下さい!※魚粉はタレに入っています With specially seasoned egg! The extra-thick whole wheat noodles and original Taiwanese minced meat make it addictive to the max! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
- ✨(大盛り)絶品!マヨ台湾まぜそば✨ (Large Portion) Excellent! Mayo Taiwanese Mazesoba Noodlesやっぱりマヨネーズが最強!極太の全粒粉麺とオリジナル台湾ミンチで中毒性MAX!唯一無二で究極の台湾まぜそばをご堪能下さい!※魚粉はタレに入っています Mayonnaise is the best! The extra-thick whole wheat noodles and original Taiwanese minced meat make it addictive to the max! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
- ✌️(大盛り)究極の醤油まぜそば✌️ (Large Portion) Ultimate Soy Sauce Mazesoba Noodles辛くない!コク旨!極太の全粒粉麺と企業秘密の特製タレで濃厚に!唯一無二で究極のまぜそばをご堪能下さい!※魚粉はタレに入っています Not spicy! Delicious! Extra-thick whole wheat noodles and the company's secret special sauce make it rich! Enjoy the unique and ultimate Taiwanese mazesoba noodles! *Fishmeal is in the sauce.
特盛り Extra Large Portion
丼ぶり Rice Bowl
割引対象商品 Discounted Items
Can I order 台湾まぜそば 禁断のとびら 赤山本町店 delivery on Uber Eats?
台湾まぜそば 禁断のとびら 赤山本町店 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to 台湾まぜそば 禁断のとびら 赤山本町店 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 東京.
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Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 東京 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
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Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.