東京都中野区若宮3-40-1, ヴァレ-ハイム若宮1F, Tokyo, 165-0033
Uber Eats で営業時間外日曜日
月曜日 - 土曜日
19:00 - 5:00
- オリジナル Originalティラミスを忠実に再現した大人のスイーツドリンク。コーヒーの苦味と濃厚なチーズドリンクが生み出す絶妙ハーモニー。まずはオリジナルで本格的なティラミスを味わってみてください。 We faithfully recreated tiramisu as a dessert drink for adults! The bitter coffee and rich-tasting cheese drink harmonize perfectly with each other. If it's your first time, try this original version to enjoy the taste of tiramisu!
- ダブルチョコレート Double Chocolateチョコレート好き、甘党さんにはこちらがおすすめ。コーヒーの苦味を優しく包みます。 If you have a sweet tooth or love chocolate, try this! The sweetness gently covers the bitterness of coffee.
- エキストラコーヒー Extra Coffeeコーヒー好きはこちらがおすすめ。しっかりコーヒーの深みを味わえます。 If you're a coffee-lover, look no further than this! This drink lets you enjoy the deep, strong aroma of coffee.
- キャラメルホリック Caramel Holicキャラメルの香ばしい甘さがティラミスとマッチ。コーヒー苦手な方でも楽しめる味。 The sweet and toasty flavor of caramel matches perfectly well with tiramisu! Even those who don't like coffee would love this drink!
- ウインナーコーヒー Vienna Coffeeたっぷりホイップクリームで満足感。自分にご褒美上げたいときはこれで決まり。 Comes with a satisfactory amount of whipped cream. Why not treat yourself a bit of luxury?
Can I order 飲むティラミス NOMU TIRAMISU 若宮店 NOMU TIRAMISU Wakamiya delivery on Uber Eats?
飲むティラミス NOMU TIRAMISU 若宮店 NOMU TIRAMISU Wakamiya is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to 飲むティラミス NOMU TIRAMISU 若宮店 NOMU TIRAMISU Wakamiya that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 中野区.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 中野区 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.