x 配達手数料が ¥0
10:30 - 22:00
- 「ライク」数 #1ねぎだく汁なし担担麺 追い飯付き Soupless Dandan Noodles and Extra Spring Onion and Rice
- 「ライク」数 #2背脂マシ汁なし担担麺 追い飯付き Extra Back Fat Soupless Dandan Noodles and Rice
- 「ライク」数 #3汁なし担担麺 追い飯付き Soupless Dandan Noodles and Rice
- 背脂マシ汁なし担担麺 Extra Back Fat Soupless Dandan Noodles
- ねぎだく汁なし担担麺 Soupless Dandan Noodles and Extra Spring Onion
辛旨しびれる汁なし担担麺 Very Spicy Soupless Dandan Noodles
- 汁なし担担麺 Soupless Dandan Noodles¥1,290しっかり混ぜて美味しくなるのが特徴の広島風汁なし担担麺。細麺とタレの辛さ、しびれ、旨味のバランスが絶妙で一度食べたらクセになる旨さ。
【汁なし担担麺 美味しい食べ方】
4、残ったタレにご飯を入れて食べると絶品です! Hiroshima-style soupless ramen. Characterized by the fact that it tastes even better when mixed thoroughly. The balance of spiciness, and flavor of the thin noodles and sauce is exquisite, and once you try it, it’ll become your new favorite dish. How to enjoy this unique dish: 1. Remove the lid from the container then heat in a microwave. 2. Put all of the remaining ingredients into the container. 3. Stir thoroughly or until your liking. Feel free to add the extra spice packet as well. 4. Once you finish your meal add the included rice to the container and enjoy the rice mixed with sauce!人気 - ねぎだく汁なし担担麺 Soupless Dandan Noodles and Extra Spring Onion¥1,390麺が隠れるくらいのたっぷり入ったねぎの風味が、ピリッとした辛さとシビレを引き立て、シャキシャキの食感も楽しめます。
【汁なし担担麺 美味しい食べ方】
4、残ったタレにご飯を入れて食べると絶品です! *Includes after-meal rice (can be substituted for a mini portion of minced pork rice). The flavor of green onions, which is so plentiful that it covers the noodles, enhances the spiciness of the dish, enjoy its crunchy texture as well. How to enjoy this unique dish: 1. Remove the lid from the container then heat in a microwave. 2. Put all of the remaining ingredients into the container. 3. Stir thoroughly or until your liking. Feel free to add the extra spice packet as well. 4. Once you finish your meal add the included rice to the container and enjoy the rice mixed with sauce!人気 - ニラ盛り汁なし担担麺 Soupless Dandan Noodles and Garlic Chives¥1,390ニラの香りと混ぜてもシャキッとした食感を残すように生のまま加えています。ニラと花椒辣醤の二つの刺激がクセになります。
【汁なし担担麺 美味しい食べ方】
4、残ったタレにご飯を入れて食べると絶品です! *Includes after-meal rice (can be substituted for a mini portion of minced pork rice). The chives are added raw to preserve their aroma and crispy texture. The two stimulating flavors of chives and hot pepper sauce are addictive. How to enjoy this unique dish: 1. Remove the lid from the container then heat in a microwave. 2. Put all of the remaining ingredients into the container. 3. Stir thoroughly or until your liking. Feel free to add the extra spice packet as well. 4. Once you finish your meal add the included rice to the container and enjoy the rice mixed with sauce! - 野菜マシ汁なし担担麺 Extra Vegetables Soupless Dandan Noodles¥1,390刺激的な辛味としびれが特徴の坦坦麺に茹で野菜(キャベツ、もやし)を加えることにより、全体的に旨味を感じる優しい味わいに仕上げました。
【汁なし担担麺 美味しい食べ方】
4、残ったタレにご飯を入れて食べると絶品です! *Includes after-meal rice (can be substituted for a mini portion of minced pork rice). The addition of boiled vegetables balances out the spicy flavor and creates a delicious flavor. How to enjoy this unique dish: 1. Remove the lid from the container then heat in a microwave. 2. Put all of the remaining ingredients into the container. 3. Stir thoroughly or until your liking. Feel free to add the extra spice packet as well. 4. Once you finish your meal add the included rice to the container and enjoy the rice mixed with sauce! - 激辛汁なし担担麺 Spicy Soupless Dandan Noodles¥1,390花椒辣醤の辛さとしびれだけでは物足りない方へ、さらに唐辛子を加えた汗が噴き出る激辛坦坦麺です。
【汁なし担担麺 美味しい食べ方】
4、残ったタレにご飯を入れて食べると絶品です! *Includes after-meal rice (can be substituted for a mini portion of minced pork rice). For those who like meals extra spicy, we've made sure to make this dish so spicy it’ll make you sweat. How to enjoy this unique dish: 1. Remove the lid from the container then heat in a microwave. 2. Put all of the remaining ingredients into the container. 3. Stir thoroughly or until your liking. Feel free to add the extra spice packet as well. 4. Once you finish your meal add the included rice to the container and enjoy the rice mixed with sauce! - 背脂マシ汁なし担担麺 Extra Back Fat Soupless Dandan Noodles¥1,490濃厚な背脂を入れてタレとしっかりとまぜることにより、刺激のある辛さとしびれの中にコクが加わり味に深みをもたせます。
【汁なし担担麺 美味しい食べ方】
4、残ったタレにご飯を入れて食べると絶品です! *Includes after-meal rice (can be substituted for a mini portion of minced pork rice). Rich meat is added which gives a new depth to the flavor and mixes well with the spiciness of the noodles. How to enjoy this unique dish: 1. Remove the lid from the container then heat in a microwave. 2. Put all of the remaining ingredients into the container. 3. Stir thoroughly or until your liking. Feel free to add the extra spice packet as well. 4. Once you finish your meal add the included rice to the container and enjoy the rice mixed with sauce!
汁なし担担麺 追い飯セット Soupless Dandan Noodles Rice Set
- 汁なし担担麺 追い飯付き Soupless Dandan Noodles and Rice¥1,490■〆のご飯付き(ミニ魯肉飯に変更可能)
【汁なし担担麺 美味しい食べ方】
4、残ったタレにご飯を入れて食べると絶品です! *Includes after-meal rice (can be substituted for a mini portion of minced pork rice). Hiroshima-style soupless ramen. Characterized by the fact that it tastes even better when mixed thoroughly. The balance of spiciness, and flavor of the thin noodles and sauce is exquisite, and once you try it, it’ll become your new favorite dish. How to enjoy this unique dish: 1. Remove the lid from the container then heat in a microwave. 2. Put all of the remaining ingredients into the container. 3. Stir thoroughly or until your liking. Feel free to add the extra spice packet as well. 4. Once you finish your meal add the included rice to the container and enjoy the rice mixed with sauce! - ねぎだく汁なし担担麺 追い飯付き Soupless Dandan Noodles and Extra Spring Onion and Rice¥1,590■〆のご飯付き(ミニ魯肉飯に変更可能)※写真はミニ魯肉飯
【汁なし担担麺 美味しい食べ方】
4、残ったタレにご飯を入れて食べると絶品です! *Includes after-meal rice (can be substituted for a mini portion of minced pork rice). The flavor of green onions, which is so plentiful that it covers the noodles, enhances the spiciness of the dish, enjoy its crunchy texture as well. How to enjoy this unique dish: 1. Remove the lid from the container then heat in a microwave. 2. Put all of the remaining ingredients into the container. 3. Stir thoroughly or until your liking. Feel free to add the extra spice packet as well. 4. Once you finish your meal add the included rice to the container and enjoy the rice mixed with sauce!人気 - ニラ盛り汁なし担担麺 追い飯付き Soupless Dandan Noodles and Garlic Chives and Rice¥1,590■〆のご飯付き(ミニ魯肉飯に変更可能)
【汁なし担担麺 美味しい食べ方】
4、残ったタレにご飯を入れて食べると絶品です! *Includes after-meal rice (can be substituted for a mini portion of minced pork rice). The chives are added raw to preserve their aroma and crispy texture. The two stimulating flavors of chives and hot pepper sauce are addictive. How to enjoy this unique dish: 1. Remove the lid from the container then heat in a microwave. 2. Put all of the remaining ingredients into the container. 3. Stir thoroughly or until your liking. Feel free to add the extra spice packet as well. 4. Once you finish your meal add the included rice to the container and enjoy the rice mixed with sauce! - 野菜マシ汁なし担担麺 追い飯付き Extra Vegetables Soupless Dandan Noodles and Rice¥1,590■〆のご飯付き(ミニ魯肉飯に変更可能)※写真はミニ魯肉飯
【汁なし担担麺 美味しい食べ方】
4、残ったタレにご飯を入れて食べると絶品です! *Includes after-meal rice (can be substituted for a mini portion of minced pork rice). The addition of boiled vegetables balances out the spicy flavor and creates a delicious flavor. How to enjoy this unique dish: 1. Remove the lid from the container then heat in a microwave. 2. Put all of the remaining ingredients into the container. 3. Stir thoroughly or until your liking. Feel free to add the extra spice packet as well. 4. Once you finish your meal add the included rice to the container and enjoy the rice mixed with sauce! - 激辛汁なし担担麺 追い飯付き Spicy Soupless Dandan Noodles and Rice¥1,590■〆のご飯付き(ミニ魯肉飯に変更可能)
【汁なし担担麺 美味しい食べ方】
4、残ったタレにご飯を入れて食べると絶品です! *Includes after-meal rice (can be substituted for a mini portion of minced pork rice). For those who like meals extra spicy, we've made sure to make this dish so spicy it’ll make you sweat. How to enjoy this unique dish: 1. Remove the lid from the container then heat in a microwave. 2. Put all of the remaining ingredients into the container. 3. Stir thoroughly or until your liking. Feel free to add the extra spice packet as well. 4. Once you finish your meal add the included rice to the container and enjoy the rice mixed with sauce! - 背脂マシ汁なし担担麺 追い飯付き Extra Back Fat Soupless Dandan Noodles and Rice¥1,690■〆のご飯付き(ミニ魯肉飯に変更可能)※写真はミニ魯肉飯
【汁なし担担麺 美味しい食べ方】
4、残ったタレにご飯を入れて食べると絶品です! *Includes after-meal rice (can be substituted for a mini portion of minced pork rice). Rich meat is added which gives a new depth to the flavor and mixes well with the spiciness of the noodles. How to enjoy this unique dish: 1. Remove the lid from the container then heat in a microwave. 2. Put all of the remaining ingredients into the container. 3. Stir thoroughly or until your liking. Feel free to add the extra spice packet as well. 4. Once you finish your meal add the included rice to the container and enjoy the rice mixed with sauce!人気
とんかつ&唐揚げ弁当 Pork Cutlet & Fried Chicken Bento
- 熟成ロースかつ弁当 Pork Roast Bento¥1,390柔らかくて旨味がギュッと詰まったな熟成三元豚のロースとんかつは誰もが満足する美味しさ。The tender and flavorful aged Sangen pork loin tonkatsu is a delicious treat that will satisfy everyone.
- 熟成ヒレかつ弁当 Pork Fillet Bento¥1,490噛むほどに旨味と肉汁があふれ出す、熟成されたジューシーな三元豚のヒレ肉は上品な味わい。The aged, juicy Sangen pork tenderloin releases more flavor and meat juices with every bite, offering a refined taste.
- 鶏の唐揚げ4個入り弁当 4Pieces of Fried Chicken Bento¥1,190ニンニクの効いたこだわりの漬けダレで仕込んだ大きな鶏の唐揚げは一度食べたらクセになる味わい。Marinated in a special garlic-infused sauce, our large pieces of fried chicken karaage offer an addictive flavor that will have you coming back for more.
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はい。大阪では Uber Eats で 汁なし坦坦麺 カープ軒 守口門真店 からの配達をご利用いただけます。
この近くで 汁なし坦坦麺 カープ軒 守口門真店 からの配達は利用できますか?
お届け先住所を入力し、大阪で 汁なし坦坦麺 カープ軒 守口門真店 からの配達が利用可能かどうかをご確認ください。
大阪で 汁なし坦坦麺 カープ軒 守口門真店 からの配達をオンラインで注文するにはどうすればよいですか?
Uber Eats で注文するには、アプリまたは Uber Eats のウェブサイトを介する 2 通りの方法があります。汁なし坦坦麺 カープ軒 守口門真店 のメニューを確認した後、注文する商品を選択してカートに追加します。次に注文を確認・確定し、注文状況を追跡できるようになります。
汁なし坦坦麺 カープ軒 守口門真店 のオンラインメニューの料金はどこで確認できますか?
このページで、汁なし坦坦麺 カープ軒 守口門真店 が提供するさまざまな商品の事前確定料金情報をご確認いただけます。
どうすれば 汁なし坦坦麺 カープ軒 守口門真店 の注文を無料で配達してもらえますか?
お住まいの地域で利用可能な場合は、Uber One のメンバーシップの利用をご検討ください。一部の注文では、配達手数料が無料になる特典をご利用いただけます。
汁なし坦坦麺 カープ軒 守口門真店 の注文を支払うには、どうすればよいですか?
お支払いは Uber Eats アカウントを介して処理されます。
アレルゲン情報などに関するお問い合わせは店舗に直接ご連絡いただけます: 店舗の電話番号:0667869771。注意:今回のご注文に関するお問い合わせはこちらの店舗番号ではなく、Uber Eats サポートまでご連絡ください。特定商取引に関する法11条に基づく販売業者の情報の表示については、店舗又は Uber Eats サポートまでお問い合わせください。「販売業者の氏名又は名称」、「販売業者の代表者又は通信販売に関する業務の責任者の氏名(法人のみ)」 、「住所」及び「お問い合わせ先・電話番号」につきましては、ご請求頂ければ開示致します。弊社の特商法情報開示に関してはこちらをご参照ください。