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タッカンマリ 닭한마리 TORIMARU 松尾2丁目2号店

沖縄県那覇市松尾2-23-7, カミモトビル2F202, Okinawa, 900-0014

Uber Eats で営業時間外
2024年11月28日 をもって Uber Eats での営業を終了しました。
お店に関する情報の更新が必要ですか?Uber に連絡する

18:00 - 19:30

月曜日 - 土曜日
終日 All Day

日曜日 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

  • ✨OPEN記念🎉人気メニュー特別価格でご提供✨

    • 🎉10食限定≪20%OFF≫🎉〚🌶ヘルシーピリ辛鍋〛スンドゥブチゲ 순두부찌개
      A typical Korean dish with tofu and eggs on a spicy soup with condensed chicken and seafood flavors!
    • 🎉10食限定≪20%OFF≫🎉プルコギキンパ (5切れ/10切れ) 플루코기킨파
      Korean classic seaweed roll! It is a gem that you can enjoy sweet and spicy bulgogi.
  • 韓国鍋 한국 냄비

    • 〚🌶ヘルシーピリ辛鍋〛スンドゥブチゲ 순두부찌개
      A typical Korean dish with tofu and eggs on a spicy soup with condensed chicken and seafood flavors!
  • 🉐スンドゥブチゲセット 순두부찌개 세트

    • 〚🌶ヘルシーピリ辛鍋〛スンドゥブチゲ&ミニビビンバセット 순두부 찌개 & 미니 비빔밥 세트
      A luxurious set of bibimbap and spicy sundubu! Tofu and eggs are entwined in a spicy soup that condenses the taste of chicken and seafood for a deep taste.
    • 〚🌶ヘルシーピリ辛鍋〛スンドゥブチゲ&ライスセット 순두부찌개 & 밥 세트
      A typical Korean dish, sundubu and rice set, with tofu and eggs on a spicy soup with condensed seafood flavor.
  • 御飯物 밥

    • 韓国風ビビンバ 한국풍 비빔밥
      Delicious! You can also eat a lot of vegetables! Please mix and enjoy gochujang.
    • プルコギキンパ (5切れ/10切れ) 플루코기킨파
      Korean classic seaweed roll! It is a gem that you can enjoy sweet and spicy bulgogi.
    • ライス (150g/300g) 밥
      Hokka other white rice. Please with a pot!
  • コールドアペタイザー 콜드 아페타이저

    • キムチ冷奴 김치냉녀
      ピリ辛キムチと冷奴のクセになる逸品です! It is a gem that becomes a habit of spicy kimchi and cold tofu!
    • キムチ 김치
      甘み・酸味・旨みが絶妙なバランスのキムチです。箸休めにどうぞ! A kimchi with an exquisite balance of sweetness, sourness, and umami. Please take a break from chopsticks!
  • ホットアペタイザー 핫 아페타이저

    • チーズボール 3個入り 치즈볼 3리
      The outside is crispy! Inside is Toro-ri. The texture of the dough is addictive with the rich cheese!
    • ひとくちポテト「K」 히토쿠치 감자
      コロコロ小さくて可愛いひと口ポテト!ホクホク感とハニーバターの豊かな風味が絶妙な逸品! A small and cute bite potato! An exquisite gem with a fluffy feeling and rich flavor of honey butter!
    • 韓国風チヂミ 한국풍 치지미
      Chijimi has a crunchy texture and the flavor of garlic is unbearable.
    • ヤンニョムチキンスティック 양념치킨스틱
      A stick-shaped spicy chicken with spicy yangnyeom sauce entwined with juicy chicken.
    • ハッシュドポテト「K」 와플 감자
      ホクホク感と甘じょっぱいハニーバターが絶妙にマッチ!人気の商品です。 A perfect match between the fluffy feeling and the sweet and sour honey butter! It is a popular item.
    • ワッフルポテト「K」 와플 감자
      外カリカリ、中ホクホク!ハニーバターで濃厚な味わいに!大人気の商品です。 Crispy outside, fluffy inside! For a rich taste with honey butter! It is a very popular product.
  • よくあるご質問

    • タッカンマリ 닭한마리 TORIMARU 松尾2丁目2号店 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.

    • Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in 那覇.

    • Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 那覇 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.

    • Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.