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10:30 - 22:00
碧亭さばめし Hekitei Mackerel Rice
- さばめし~出汁付き~ Mackerel Rice (With Broth Soup)¥1,290大きなサバを贅沢に使い、いろいろな食べ方によって違った美味しさが楽しめます。
3:お出汁を入れて茶漬けにして〆る。 Large mackerel is used lavishly, and different tastes can be enjoyed in various ways. [The delicious way to eat mackerel rice] 1: Divide the mackerel well and mix it with rice. 2: Add pickled radish or a small amount of wasabi for a change of flavor. 3: Finish by adding broth soup to enjoy the chazuke style.人気 - タレさばめし~出汁付き~ Mackerel Rice with Sauce (With Broth Soup)¥1,290ほんのり甘くて旨味のあるタレが、サバの美味しさを引き立てます。
3:お出汁を入れて茶漬けにして〆る。 The slightly sweet and tasty sauce enhances the taste of mackerel. [The delicious way to eat mackerel rice] 1: Divide the mackerel well and mix it with rice. 2: Add pickled radish or a small amount of wasabi for a change of flavor. 3: Finish by adding broth soup to enjoy the chazuke style. - 梅さばめし~出汁付き~ Mackerel Rice with Plum (With Broth Soup)¥1,390さっぱりとした梅とかつおの風味が、味のアクアセントとして効いています。
3:お出汁を入れて茶漬けにして〆る。 The refreshing plum and bonito flavors work as an accent to the taste. [The delicious way to eat mackerel rice] 1: Divide the mackerel well and mix it with rice. 2: Add pickled radish or a small amount of wasabi for a change of flavor. 3: Finish by adding broth soup to enjoy the chazuke style.「ライク」数 #3 - 葱塩さばめし~出汁付き~ Mackerel Rice with Onion Salt (With Broth Soup)¥1,390ネギの風味と塩ダレのコクが、サバの旨味と引き出し食欲をそそります。
3:お出汁を入れて茶漬けにして〆る。 The flavor of the green onions and the richness of the salt sauce bring out the mackerel's flavor and stimulate the appetite. [The delicious way to eat mackerel rice] 1: Divide the mackerel well and mix it with rice. 2: Add pickled radish or a small amount of wasabi for a change of flavor. 3: Finish by adding broth soup to enjoy the chazuke style. - とろろさばめし~出汁付き~ Mackerel Rice with Grated Yam (With Broth Soup)¥1,490出汁のはいったとろろのネバネバ食感と味わいが、サバとの相性抜群です。
3:お出汁を入れて茶漬けにして〆る。 The gooey texture and flavor of yam with dashi broth is a perfect match for mackerel. [The delicious way to eat mackerel rice] 1: Divide the mackerel well and mix it with rice. 2: Add pickled radish or a small amount of wasabi for a change of flavor. 3: Finish by adding broth soup to enjoy the chazuke style.「ライク」数 #2 - 明太さばめし~出汁付き~ Mackerel Rice with Walleye Pollack Roe (With Broth Soup)¥1,390明太子の辛味とコクがサバの旨味と相まって、クセになる味わいです。
3:お出汁を入れて茶漬けにして〆る。 The spiciness and richness of Pollack Roe combined with the flavor of mackerel make for an addictive taste. [The delicious way to eat mackerel rice] 1: Divide the mackerel well and mix it with rice. 2: Add pickled radish or a small amount of wasabi for a change of flavor. 3: Finish by adding broth soup to enjoy the chazuke style. - チーズさばめし~出汁付き~ Mackerel Rice with Cheese (With Broth Soup)¥1,490チーズのコクがサバやお出汁とも相性がよく、何度も食べたくなる美味しさ。
3:お出汁を入れて茶漬けにして〆る。 The richness of the cheese goes well with the mackerel and the broth, making you want to eat it again and again. [The delicious way to eat mackerel rice] 1: Divide the mackerel well and mix it with rice. 2: Add pickled radish or a small amount of wasabi for a change of flavor. 3: Finish by adding broth soup to enjoy the chazuke style.
さばタレカツどんぶり Mackerel Cutlet with Sauce Rice Bowl
- さばタレカツどんぶり Mackerel Cutlet with Sauce Rice Bowl¥1,290ほんのり甘くて旨味のあるタレが、サクサクに揚げたサバの美味しさを引き立てる、ボリューム満点のどんぶり。 The slightly sweet and tasty sauce enhances the flavor of crispy fried mackerel in this hearty bowl.人気
- タルタルさばタレカツどんぶり Mackerel Cutlet with Sauce & Tartar Rice Bowl¥1,490たっぷり玉子のタルタルソースがサクサクに揚げたサバと相性が良く、何度も食べたくなる美味しさのどんぶり。 Plenty of egg tartar sauce goes well with the crispy fried mackerel, making this a delicious rice bowl that you will want to eat again and again.「ライク」数 #1
- 葱塩さばタレカツどんぶり Mackerel Cutlet with Sauce & Onion Salt Rice Bowl¥1,490ネギの風味と塩ダレのコクが、サクサクに揚げたサバの旨味を引き出した、食欲をそそるボリューム満点のどんぶり。 The flavor of green onions and the richness of the salt sauce bring out the flavor of crispy fried mackerel in this mouth watering, hearty rice bowl.
- 明太マヨさばタレカツどんぶり Mackerel Cutlet with Sauce & Walleye Pollack Roe Mayonnaise Rice Bowl¥1,490明太子の刺激とマヨネーズのコクがサクサクに揚げたサバの旨味を引き出す、クセになる味わいのどんぶり。 The pollack roe's stimulating taste and the richness of mayonnaise bring out the flavor of crispy fried mackerel in this addictive rice bowl.
- とろろさばタレカツどんぶり Mackerel Cutlet with Sauce & Grated Yam Rice Bowl¥1,490出汁のはいったとろろのネバネバ食感と味わいが、サクサクに揚げたサバとの相性抜群のどんぶり。 The gooey texture and flavor of yam with dashi broth is a perfect match for the crispy fried mackerel.
- 柚子胡椒おろしさばタレカツどんぶり Mackerel Cutlet with Sauce & Grated Radish Yuzu Pepper¥1,490さっぱりとした大根おろしと柚子胡椒の風味が、味のアクセントとして効いているボリューム満点のどんぶり。 The refreshing grated radish and yuzu pepper accentuate the flavor of a hearty rice bowl.
海老タレカツどんぶり Shrimp Cutlet with Sauce Rice Bowl
- 海老タレカツどんぶり Shrimp Cutlet with Sauce Rice Bowl¥1,690ほんのり甘くて旨味のあるタレが、3本の海老カツの美味しさを引き立てる食べ応えのあるどんぶり。 The slightly sweet and tasty sauce enhances the deliciousness of the three shrimp cutlets in this mouth watering bowl.
- タルタル海老タレカツどんぶり Shrimp Cutlet with Sauce & Tartar Rice Bowl¥1,590たっぷり玉子のタルタルソースが海老カツと相性が良く、何度も食べたくなる美味しさの贅沢などんぶり。 The generous egg tartar sauce goes well with the shrimp cutlet, making this a luxurious delicious rice bowl that you will want to eat again and again.人気
- 葱塩海老タレカツどんぶり Shrimp Cutlet with Sauce & Onion Salt Rice Bowl¥1,690ネギの風味と塩ダレのコクが、プリプリな海老の旨味を引き出した、食欲をそそる食べ応え抜群のどんぶり。 The flavor of the green onions and the richness of the salt sauce bring out the flavor of the plump shrimp in this mouth watering bowl.
- 明太マヨ海老タレカツどんぶり Shrimp Cutlet with Sauce & Walleye Pollack Roe Mayonnaise Rice Bowl¥1,690明太子の刺激とマヨネーズのコクが3本の海老カツの旨味を引き出す、クセになる味わいのどんぶり。 The pollack roe's stimulation and the richness of mayonnaise bring out the flavor of the three shrimp cutlets in this addictive rice bowl.
- とろろ海老タレカツどんぶり Shrimp Cutlet with Sauce & Grated Yam Rice Bowl¥1,690出汁のはいったとろろのネバネバ食感と味わいが、サクサクに揚げた海老カツとの相性抜群のどんぶり。 The gooey texture and flavor of yam with dashi broth is a perfect match for the crispy fried shrimp cutlet.
- 柚子胡椒おろし海老タレカツどんぶり Shrimp Cutlet with Sauce & Grated Radish Yuzu Pepper¥1,690さっぱりとした大根おろしと柚子胡椒の風味が、味のアクセントとして効いている3本海老カツの豪華どんぶり。 The refreshing grated radish and yuzu pepper accentuate the flavor of this gorgeous rice bowl of three shrimp cutlets.人気
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Uber Eats で注文するには、アプリまたは Uber Eats のウェブサイトを介する 2 通りの方法があります。さばめし 碧亭 せんげん台店 のメニューを確認した後、注文する商品を選択してカートに追加します。次に注文を確認・確定し、注文状況を追跡できるようになります。
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このページで、さばめし 碧亭 せんげん台店 が提供するさまざまな商品の事前確定料金情報をご確認いただけます。
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お住まいの地域で利用可能な場合は、Uber One のメンバーシップの利用をご検討ください。一部の注文では、配達手数料が無料になる特典をご利用いただけます。
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お支払いは Uber Eats アカウントを介して処理されます。
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