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月曜日 - 金曜日
11:30 - 14:15 • メニュー Menu
17:30 - 20:15 • メニュー Menu
11:30 - 14:15 • メニュー Menu
17:30 - 19:15 • メニュー Menu
弁当 Bento Boxes
- エビチリ弁当 Stir-Fried Shrimp with Chili Sauce Bento Box¥1,400ぷりぷり食感のエビをピリッとした辛さに仕上げた北京風エビチリ。唐揚げ、サラダ、ライス付き。 This Beijing-style stir-fry is made with plump shrimp and a spicy sauce. It is also served with fried chicken, potato salad, and rice.
- 回鍋肉弁当 Twice-Cooked Pork Bento Box¥1,200 • 95% (20)豚バラ肉とキャベツを自家製甜麵醬で炒めた大人気メニューです。唐揚げ、サラダ、ライス付き。 This incredibly popular dish is made with pork rib meat, cabbage, and our homemade sweet flour paste. It is also served with fried chicken, potato salad, and rice.
- 酢豚弁当 Sweet and Sour Pork Bento Box¥1,200 • 100% (22)リピーター率No.1!当店自慢の一品。唐揚げ、ポテトサラダ、ライス付き。 This dish always has people coming back for more! It is also served with fried chicken, potato salad, and rice.
丼 Rice Bowls
- 麻婆丼 Mapo Rice Bowl¥1,100 • 92% (13)ピリ辛マーボー豆腐がご飯とからみあって絶品。 This spicy mapo tofu seems to blend right into the rice.
- 四川麻婆丼 Sichuan-Style Mapo Rice Bowl¥1,300 • 95% (24)山椒入り麻婆豆腐でクセになる味、ご飯との相性が抜群。This mapo tofu is seasoned with irresistibly spicy Japanese pepper and goes incredibly well with rice.
- カニ玉丼 Crab Omelette Rice Bowl¥1,200 • 100% (5)ふんわり玉子にカニ身が入った醤油ベースのあんかけ丼。 This rice bowl is made with a fluffy crab omelette and is topped with a starchy sauce seasoned with soy sauce.
- 海鮮丼 Seafood Rice Bowl¥1,450 • 80% (5)エビ、イカ、ホタテが入った中華風の海鮮丼。 This Chinese-style seafood rice bowl is made with shrimp, squid, and scallops.
揚物 Fried Foods
- 北京風春巻(6切れ) Beijing-Style Spring Rolls (Cut Into 6 Pieces)¥1,200 • 80% (10)豚肉や筍を薄焼き卵で巻、油でカラッと揚げた長年愛されている一品。 These Beijing-style spring rolls have been loved by our customers for many years and are made with pork and bamboo shoots that are wrapped in a lightly fried egg, then fried in oil until they are nice and crispy.
- 鶏肉の骨なし唐揚げ(5個) Boneless Fried Chicken (5 Pieces)¥1,000 • 71% (7)しっかり味のしみ込んだジューシーな唐揚げ。 This juicy fried chicken has a bold flavor permeating throughout it.
- 鶏肉の骨なし唐揚げ(上)(5個) Premium Boneless Fried Chicken (5 Pieces)¥1,500 • 75% (8)しっかり味のしみ込んだジューシーな唐揚げ。 This juicy fried chicken has a bold flavor permeating throughout it.
一品 A La Carte
- 四川風エビチリ(5尾) Sichuan-Style Stir-Fried Shrimp with Chili Sauce (5 Shrimp)¥1,200 • 100% (3)ぷりぷり食感のエビにたっぷりのチリソースを絡めた一品。 Plump shrimp are coated in a generous amount of spicy chili sauce.
- 牛肉のオイスターソース炒め Stir-Fried Beef with Oyster Sauce¥1,800 • 66% (3)
- 回鍋肉 Twice-Cooked Pork¥1,100 • 80% (5)豚バラ肉とキャベツを自家製甜麵醬で炒めた大人気メニュー! This incredibly popular dish is made with pork rib meat, cabbage, and our homemade sweet flour paste.
- 酢豚 Sweet and Sour Pork¥1,100 • 100% (5)当店人気No.1!甘酢ダレをご飯にかけて召し上がる方もいらっしゃいます。 Our most popular item! You can also enjoy our sweet vinegar sauce with rice, if you would like.
- 八宝菜 Chop Suey¥1,200 • 88% (9)たっぷりのお野菜、エビ、イカ、ホタテとお肉を炒めた一品。 This stir-fry is made with a generous amount of vegetables, shrimp, squid, scallops, and meat.
- エビのマヨネーズ和え(5尾) Shrimp and Mayonnaise Salad (5 Shrimp)¥1,200自家製マヨネーズソースをかけて。 These shrimp are coated in our homemade mayonnaise sauce.
- 北京風麻婆豆腐 Beijing-Style Mapo Tofu¥1,000 • 100% (3)ピリ辛マーボー豆腐。 A spicy mapo tofu.
- 四川風麻婆豆腐 Sichuan-Style Mapo Tofu¥1,200 • 100% (13)山椒入り麻婆豆腐でクセになる味。 You won't be able to get enough of the Japanese pepper in this mapo tofu.
麺 Noodles
点心 Dim Sum
オードブル Hors D'oeuvres
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