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天下無双 王様バターご飯 Matchless  King Butter Rice 落合店

天下無双 王様バターご飯 Matchless King Butter Rice 落合店

4.0 x (84)Rice DishesChineseRice-bowls$$Info

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4丁目 29 5, 1階

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9:00 AM - 6:30 AM • 終日 / All Day


12:00 AM - 11:59 PM • 終日 / All Day

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12:00 AM - 11:59 PM • 終日 / All Day

9:00 AM - 6:30 AM • 終日 / All Day

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9:00 AM - 8:59 AM • 終日 / All Day

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    Contact the store directly ONLY concerning allergen information: store phone number: 08033863983 . / Note: Please contact Uber Eats Support in regards to any issues with your ongoing order. / For disclosure of merchant information in regards to the Specified Commercial Transaction Act Article 11, please contact the store or Uber Eats Support. We will be able to disclose the following information if requested: "Legal Entity Name", "Representative Name (Corporate only)", "Legal Entity Address" ,"Phone Number". For additional information please refer here.