にゃんこ屋 nyankoya
Nagasaki, 5 Chome−19, 101, Toshima-Ku, Tōkyō-to 171-0051
Uber Eats で営業時間外日曜日
月曜日 - 土曜日
11:00 - 13:30
メイン Main
- ガパオライス(ひき肉とパプリカのバジル炒め) Gapao Rice (Minced Meat, Paprika and Basil Stir-Fry)タイ料理の定番人気!辛すぎず非常に食べやすいです。
A very popular staple of Thai cooking! Very hot and best when eaten slowly. - パリッと焼いた鶏をトッピング バターチキンカレー Butter Chicken Curry Topped with Crispy Fried Chickenにゃんこ屋の看板メニュー!スパイスを一から調合して作る3日以上熟成させた芳醇な一品。
Nyankoya's signature menu item! This dish is rich in flavor and takes 3 days to prepare with our special blend of spices. - 甘辛特製ソースのローストポーク丼 Roast Pork Bowl with Salty and Sweet Sauceオーブンで仕上げた自家製ローストポーク使用の豪華メニュー。
Our homemade roast pork is finished off in the oven for a truly luxurious menu item. - グリルチキンのサルサソースがけ Grilled Chicken with Salsaうまみたっぷりのチキンソテーにスパイシーなサルサソース&ターメリックライスの相性が抜群!
The overwhelming flavor of the chicken combined with the spicy salsa and turmeric rice make this the perfect dish! - チキン南蛮〜にゃんこ屋オリジナル〜 Nanban Chicken ~A Nyankoya Original~鶏のフライを特製甘辛ダレに漬け込み上からタルタルソースの最高の組み合わせ、ご飯が進みます!
This dish is fried chicken with a salty/ sweet flavor topped with pickled tartar sauce and is a truly delicious combination- goes great with rice!
ドリンク Drink
- 日本茶 Japanese Tea
Can I order にゃんこ屋 nyankoya delivery on Uber Eats?
にゃんこ屋 nyankoya is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to にゃんこ屋 nyankoya that are available on Uber Eats?
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Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in 東京 offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
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