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Lili Italia

Lili Italia

4.1 xStar (100+)£3 Delivery FeeAmericanSandwichesFastFoodBurgers$Info

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25 Blackwell St

Located in Kidderminster, Lili Italia offers a diverse menu that caters to a variety of tastes, predominantly featuring pizza alongside a selection of burgers, kebabs, and wraps. Customers frequently enjoy comb... More
Located in Kidderminster, Lili Italia offers a diverse menu that caters to a variety of tastes, predominantly featuring pizza alongside a selection of burgers, kebabs, and wraps. Customers frequently enjoy combinations such as Pepperoni Pizza paired with a Coca Cola Bottle. The menu includes a variety of pizzas like Kebab Pizza and Hawaiian Pizza, and also offers deals that might include items like Any 2 Large Pizza and fries. The restaurant, known for its evening activity, holds a customer rating of 3.3. Less
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Every day

16:00 - 23:59


4:00 PM – 11:59 PM

ALLERGIES: If you or someone you're ordering for has an allergy, please contact the merchant directly to let them know. Lili Italia has a FHRS rating of 4. This information was updated on 25/12/2024. The current rating is on their page on the FSA Website. Adults need around 2000 kcal a day.