Bagel 111
111 Rue De Genève, Thônex, EMEA 1226
Closed on Uber EatsClosed on Uber Eats as of 2 Sept 2024.
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Monday - Friday
11:00 - 15:00
- Menu bagelBagel au choix, thé froid maison et dessert maison surprise (cookies ou brownies)
- Chicken RunPoulet crispy maison, cream cheese, cheddar, oignons frits, salade
- Les gooniesFilets de poulet fumés, cream cheese ciboulette, oignons rouges, tomates et salade.
- TitanicSaumon fumé, cream cheese ciboulette, concombre, oignons rouges, jus de citron et salade.
- JumanjiMousse de thon, concombre, oignons rouges, tomates et salade.
- The maskCourgettes marinées, cream cheese light, mozzarella, avocats, tomates séchées et salade.
- IntouchablesPastrami, cream cheese, cheddar, moutarde au miel, oignons rouges et salade.
- La ChèvreBûche de chèvre, cream cheese, courgettes, noix, tomates cerise, confit de figues, moutarde miel, salade
Can I order Bagel 111 delivery on Uber Eats?
Bagel 111 is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.
Are there options similar to Bagel 111 that are available on Uber Eats?
Browse nearby places to find other options for delivery or pickup in Thônex.
How does Uber Eats work?
Uber Eats connects you with nearby shops and restaurants. With an Uber Eats account, you can browse places in Thônex offering delivery or pickup and order anything from restaurant meals to groceries and house supplies.
What is Uber One?
Uber One is a subscription option which gives you access to benefits such as savings on Uber Eats.