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Tea Station

Tea Station

4.7 xStar (320+)Bubble TeaJuice and SmoothiesCoffee and Tea$Info

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2017 Wyandotte Street West, Windsor, ON N9B

Wish you could ask someone what's the best thing to order here? The Tropical Fruit Tea 百橙柚果粒茶 is one of things that gets the most orders of the 80 items on the menu at this late at night go-to.
Get it delivered to your door.

Rating and reviews


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320+ Ratings

 • Linda C. • 03/22/23
 • Emm D. • 02/26/23

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Sunday - Tuesday

12:00 p.m. - 10:25 p.m.

Thursday - Saturday

12:00 p.m. - 10:25 p.m.

Menu 全日菜單

12:00 PM – 10:25 PM
