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5335a Chemin Queen Mary, Montréal, QC H3X

Closed on Uber Eats
Closed on Uber Eats as of Nov 21, 2023.
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Monday - Thursday
Full Menu
  • Menu Tapas / Tapas Menu

    • Poutine
      Généreuse poutine portion repas, faites avec frites croustillante, mozzarella et notre delicieuse sauce gravy vegetarienne. / Generous meal portion poutine, made with crispy fries, mozzarella and our delicious vegetarian gravy sauce.
    • Original Poutine "Au Gratin"
      Comme notre poutine original mais avec plus de fromage et gratiner au four. Like our original poutine but with more cheese inside and on top and baked in the oven.
    • Saté Végétalien / Vegan Satay
      Skewers of vegan crispy white fish bites, drizzled with a peanut butter sauce and sriracha. / Brochettes de bouchées de poisson blanc croustillantes végétaliennes, arrosées d'une sauce au beurre d'arachide et de sriracha
    • Parmesan Fries / Frites au parmesan
      Frites pommes de terres frites au parmesan et melanges d'epices. / Crispy potato fries with parmesan and a spice mix
    • Frites Juliennes / Shoestring Fries
      Frites de pommes de terres. Potato fries.
  • Salades / Salads

    • Cesar Salad / Salade César
      Laitue, croûtons, poulet vegan, parmesan, et vinaigrette césar. / Lettuce, croutons, parmesan and Caesar dressing.
    • Salade Mozart / Mozart Salad
      Laitue, tomates, concombres, canneberges, mozzarella, noix de grenobles et vinaigrette balsamique au miel. / Lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, cranberries, mozzarella, walnuts and a honey balsamic vinaigrette.
    • Cesar au Poulet (Végétarienne) / Chicken Cesar Salad (Vegetarian)
      Laitue, croûtons, poulet vegan, parmesan, et vinaigrette césar. / Lettuce, croutons, vegan chicken, parmesan, and Caesar dressing.
  • Pâtes / Pasta

    • Rosée
      Sauce tomates maison et crème / Homemade tomato sauce and cream
    • Alfredo
      Crème, champignons et onions. / Cream, mushroom and onion sauce
    • Mac & Cheese Marbrée / Marbled Mac & Cheese
      Creme, cheddar et ail. Gratinee au four. / Cream. cheddar and garlic "au gratin"
    • Crème Pesto / Pesto Cream
      Crème et pesto. Pesto and cream.
    • Arrabiata
      Sauce tomates maison piquantes. Spicy homemade tomato sauce.
  • Wraps

    • Wrap Shawarma (Vegan)
      Viande de poulet shawarma vegan, tomate, concombre, onions rouges, houmous, tahini et sauce amba dans un wrap croustillant. Servi avec frites. / Vegan chicken shawarma meat, tomato, cucumber, red cabbage, hummus, tahini and amba sauce in a crispy wrap. Served with fries.
    • Wrap Poulet Cesar (Vegetarien) / Chicken Cesar (Vegetarian)
      Viande de poitrine de poulet végétalienne, laitue, parmesan et vinaigrette césar dans un wrap croustillant. Servi avec frites. / Vegan chicken breast meat, lettuce, parmesan and cesar dressing in a crispy wrap. Served with fries.
    • Wrap Thon piquant fondu/ Spicy tuna Melt
      Notre mélange de thon épicé avec laitue et mozzarella dans un wrap croustillant. Servi avec frites / Our spicy tuna mix with lettuce and mozzarella in a crispy wrap. Served with fries
  • Boissons / Soft Drinks

    • Coke Zero
    • Diet 7-UP
    • Ginger Ale
    • 7-UP
  • Rating and reviews
    Lawrence R.
     • 23-09-14

    Always consistently great

    Lawrence R.
     • 23-08-16

    Amazing food!

    Nissim B.
     • 23-07-23

    Amazing food !

    Simcha S.
     • 23-06-14

    best food everything is so good

    Shmoomoo D.
     • 23-05-14

    Amazing food!! Wonderful service! Enormous amounts!!! I even got free fries!! Thank you so much!!! Never had such wonderful pasta!!🙏🙏🙏🤩😍

    Simcha S.
     • 23-08-23

    The best restaurant quality taste exceptional flavours my go to restaurant

    Chaya G.
     • 23-08-06

    Delicious food, made our night!

    Leiba S.
     • 23-06-30

    it was tasty

    Cédric. S.
     • 23-06-14

    Mozart is amazing ! Great food and good service

  • Frequently asked questions

    • Mozart is unavailable on Uber Eats at this time.

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