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Bojangles (4879 Port Royal Road)

Bojangles (4879 Port Royal Road)

4.3 xStar (200+)AmericanFried ChickenChickenFamily MealsBreakfast and Brunch$Info

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4879 Port Royal Road, Spring Hill, TN 37174

Bojangles on Port Royal Road in Spring Hill is a fast food restaurant known for its Southern-style fare, with a focus on chicken and biscuits. The menu features items like Bo's Chicken Sandwich, Cajun Chicken F... More
Bojangles on Port Royal Road in Spring Hill is a fast food restaurant known for its Southern-style fare, with a focus on chicken and biscuits. The menu features items like Bo's Chicken Sandwich, Cajun Chicken Filet Biscuit, and a variety of fixings including Bo-Tato Rounds and Macaroni & Cheese. Popular among customers are the Bo's Chicken Tenders Combo and the Bo's Chicken Sandwich, often accompanied by Bo* Fries. This location boasts a high customer rating and tends to be busiest in the evenings. Less
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7:00 AM - 8:30 PM

Monday - Saturday

5:30 AM - 8:30 PM


5:30 AM – 8:30 PM
